9mm major ballistics. 134 Sectional Density 0.
9mm major ballistics They have a facility on the outskirts of Seattle in 2072. While modern advancements in ammunition design and manufacturing have significantly improved the Jan 31, 2024 · We’ve compiled 10mm ballistics tables from all the major ammunition manufacturers so you can quickly compare which 10mm rounds perform the best. 40 S&W; 10mm. They are just the Apr 3, 2020 · Here’s what you need to know about 10mm and 9mm ballistics and stopping power. All competitors must meet the minimum of 125 Power Factor to be eligible for score. Join Our Newsletter. The 9mm offers less recoil and higher capacity, while the . With regards to my previous chrono session (9mm major Chrono results with Hodgdon CFE Pistol). 9mm ballistics vary by bullet weight and manufacturer. HS6 is the only good choice IMHO. pat Dec 7, 2021 · 9mm Parabellum, aka 9mm Para, 9mm Luger, 9x19mm, 9mm NATO. While a heavier round may lose it's punch over a relatively short range, a lighter bullet generally travels at a higher velocity and offers better penetration. Nov 10, 2024 · Now, ~50 years later, modern bullet tech has made major improvements to bullet performance. This can be advantageous in many types of shooting scenarios, including Feb 26, 2024 · 380 vs 9mm Ballistics and Performance. CMJ). 9mm and . It even makes Major from my 4. May 13, 2020 · Winner: 9mm Luger. The study of ballistics gives us a better idea about how a bullet performs along the flight path. Hollow Point Ammunition; Concealed Carry and Magazine Capacity. Is 40 more powerful than 9mm? Yes, the . 355-inch bullet in the market. The increased power makes it suitable for demanding applications Mar 25, 2021 · The 9mm terminal ballistics have also improved tremendously since the famous FBI shootout (spoken about below). The 9mm’s velocity, trajectory, energy, and recoil are compared to all 9 cartridges providing a clear and data Mar 25, 2021 · Here is a 9mm Ballistics Chart, along with history, pros, cons, and other important information about the 9mm handgun cartridge. 99. But thats not all. The 9mm has become the default cartridge for today’s shooters, because it represents the best blend of easy shootability without excessive recoil and admirable terminal performance and ballistics. When comparing the 380 Auto and 9mm, one of the key factors is muzzle velocity and energy. However, because it is much smaller, it is also much faster and easier to shoot. 141 COAL Tested 1. However, you can also find both lighter and Jun 27, 2016 · 9mm MAJOR for Open division. 7. 6-inch Lone Wolf barrel in a GLOCK 19. It has become the world's most popular pistol cartridge. 0 Accurate No. 45 ACP, . 9mm rarely reaches major (165PF) unless specially loaded and unsafe if you ask me. More 9mm cartridges are currently produced than . 8gr of powder using a different May 14, 2020 · Let’s take a look at terminal ballistics. The best apples-to-apples comparison was the 115-grain Buffalo Bore . However, you’ll note that there is no column on the ballistics charts for stopping power, and in truth, it is a combination of several factors. The round is generally accepted by experts as an Caliber - 9mm Major . Join Our Jan 29, 2024 · Last Updated on May 30, 2024 by Jason Tome. About; Ballistics testing is most often conducted with full size or “service size” handguns with barrel lengths of at least 4”. 357 Magnum ballistics in a handgun chambered for 9mm Luger. Nine Major is loaded Feb 3, 2025 · 9MM Major means the round has a power factor of 165 or greater. The 135-grain 9mm load penetrates 15 inches through bare ballistics gelatin—the ideal depth according to FBI standards. Perfect for competitive shooting, this premium 9mm ammo ensures superior accuracy and performance. The team at Ammo. May 25, 2024 · 9mm Ballistics From Every Major Ammo Maker. These rounds offer enhanced terminal ballistics and may provide improved performance in certain self-defense situations. 134 Sectional Density 0. Oct 3, 2023 · 9mm major is a race gun round. 27:12 . 124 JHP NEW (SKU 9MMJHP124GR-NEW) Caliber - 9MM Dec 14, 2022 · This is one of the main talking points in the 9mm vs 40 vs 45 ACP debate, so we will spend some time discussing it here. Here's an update. The 115-grain HAP bullets had an average 25-shot group size of 2. The 357 Magnum’s heavyweight 158 grain bullet at the same muzzle velocity translates to a 14 percent loss of energy. There is a wide variety of 9mm self defense ammo on the market as well as no shortage of handguns in the caliber. 357 Sig. Values ranging from 125 to 164. This ballistics section here will deal with the movement and energy characteristics of bullets fired from these cartridges. Jun 29, 2011 · I will be using MG 115 gr. However, the 9mm Luger has some major benefits that cannot be ignored, namely better ballistics, higher magazine capacity, and lower felt recoil. Hornady Black 6. From 0 to 100 yards, the 380 has 172. It quickly gained popularity due to its effectiveness and Jun 18, 2018 · Ammunition: Federal 9mm 147gr HST. From the table below you can see the 9mm has much more energy than the 380. Today, modern incarnations of his cartridge significantly exceed that limit. In assessing 9mm vs. 38 Super Comp major loaded round that was reviewed in 2020 with an Infinity Open gun, as well as a 9 mm major load that was also tested that year. Standard 115-grain FMJ Additionally, the 9mm is widely available, with nearly every major ammunition manufacturer producing a variety of 9mm Jul 19, 2019 · yes there is another company that makes 9mm major factory loads as well with good reviews. Here are some of the most common questions when comparing 9mm vs. Minor. It’s not a wildcat nor proprietary load; it has a distinct OAL measurement that Jun 13, 2019 · 9mm Minor and 9 Major Power Factors. . 38 Special Major loads in my K Frame Model 10), but a 357 Maj pistol using 38 Special brass. 10mm Ballistics Charts; Aguila Ammunition Ballistics - 10mm Auto; The 10mm Auto cartridge was created because the 9mm lacked the stopping power the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in the USA were looking for in a handgun cartridge. pistol ammunition energy in ft. That's obviously enough to push Jan 5, 2009 · max OAL in a 9mm Glock magazine is 1. Also, ballistics can vary from lot to lot with the same brand and type load. This increased energy Sep 18, 2024 · When we compare these cartridges side by side, the differences are clearly visible. The only advantage to 9mm major is cheap to free brass. However, most Jul 19, 2020 · After meeting with the Eley team during SHOT Show, we arranged to test the new 9mm major loaded ammunition. com Labs. This is a 9mm Luger · Sep 8, 2020 · 9mm Luger Results in fps. 360 Buckhammer ballistics, this article is exactly what you need. they noticed that the ballistics between . 45 ACP. When selecting a caliber for concealed carry, understanding the ballistics and performance of your options is crucial. 44 Special. Aug 13, 2021 · 38 Super VS 9mm Ballistics. 40 S&W ammo. Shooting a STI Custom 9mm open gun with a 2 port comp for steel. Don’t miss our in-depth look at 22 Creedmoor ballistics! 22 ARC vs 22-250 Ballistics Chart. I want to shoot 9mm major in USPSA. So, it is not as if these guys that are pushing the 9mm to "major" have indestructable guns. Sale! $ 25. 44 Mag. but loading a 9mm to that velocity range would be way, way over standard pressure for the 9mm, like +P++ or more. Jan 20, 2021 · 9mm TMJ® RN 9mm GDHP Weight (grains) 124 Ballistic Coefficient 0. Can minor 9mm ammo be modified to perform like major 9mm Feb 17, 2024 · 9mm major ammo is a hand-loaded variant of the 9mm cartridge, which is typically loaded to higher pressures for use in competition shooting. The Eley team had these new offerings on hand at the USPSA Back to Back Nationals and sent me 250 rounds of each of the new 9 mm 115-, 124- 10mm Auto Ballistics Charts for Major Ammo Manufacturers. 355 inches). Nov 12, 2022 · Our next 9mm ballistics chart shows 124 grain Remington Golden Saber self-defense JHP hollow point ammo. I am using a 17L for 9mm major and HS6 (WW540) as the powder choice. After the . Ballistics refers to the behavior of a bullet in flight and upon impact. To actually answer the question of velocity by barrel length for 9mm Luger, and what the ideal barrel length is, namely for something like an AR-15 / AR-9 pistol or SBR, we'll discuss below. Ballistics, External. When Georg Luger first designed the 9x19 Parabellum cartridge in 1901, he intended for it simply to be lethal within 50 yards. Federal SP100 primers complete the recipe. Comprehensive overview of 9mm ballistics and terminal performance. Comparing chrono results between a 5" barrel 9mm and a 16" barrel I'm seeing on average an 11% velocity bump. Learn how these factors impact its performance and effectiveness in various shooting scenarios. HST Comparison Jun 8, 2011 · New member here. the 135gr Critical Duty in . We tested both . Mar 8, 2025 · Further on ballistics, the . 460 Rowland. Subscribe to receive our best ammo deals directly to your inbox. 3993 3998 Propellant Case Primer Weight (grains) Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) Weight (grains) Alliant Blue Dot Speer CCI 500 7. 8-inch drop. 355) 115 Grain Plated Bullets. 3 days ago · But thanks to improvements in ballistics technology, the 9mm can now perform the same way as the . Gun will also need special 9mm ammo, so its not like you can have mass interchangeable ammo. Is a Bullet Still Dangerous After Passing Through One Stud? 0 views. 5 6 days ago · Callaway Ballistics’ line of new 9mm features X-treme’s 115-grain 9mm copper plated projectile, loaded in new brass, to our tried-and-true specifications, ensuring consistent shooting in semi-automatic firearms. 149 (in this example) but, but may also range from . 360 Buckhammer Ballistics Charts. The rules insist on major calibers. com. Ballistics testing has shown that modern ammunition has narrowed the gap between these two cartridges. 9 rate as Minor Power Factor, while 165 and above score as Major. The USPSA calculates Power Factor using a simple formula: (bullet weight x velocity in FPS) / 1,000 = PF. Velocity - 1156 fps Bullet Weight - 147 gr. The 9mm ballistics chart below shows averages for comparison. This is prevents . I have heard but never seen, that there is an international revolver shooter who was running 38 Short Colt Major. There are two reasons why 9 Major is popular. This means manufacturers turn out higher 9mm volumes and can adjust the price accordingly. Jump to an ammo company: Remington | Federal. NOT for use in standard 9mm firearms. The first of these 9mm cartridges, it was developed as a necked-up version of 7. February: Walther introduces the P38 pistol in 9mm, which would become a standard German military sidearm. The core difference boils down to bullet diameter, weight, and velocity, which directly impact energy transfer, stopping power, and recoil. Silhoutte is my favorite inspite of its flaws reverse temp sensative, and oatmeal dirty. Table of Contents. Aug 9, 2020 · I tried matching . The 125 grain 38 Super leaves the muzzle at 1240 feet per second with 427 pounds of energy. However, some experts argue that the 9mm cartridge has a slightly longer effective range due to its higher velocity and flatter trajectory. If the viewer above doesn't load, you can access the PDF directly: Closed on all Major holidays. Cheaper, more plentiful, and capable of handling the load brass. If you’re old school, you can still get original Hydra-Shok Jun 6, 2022 · In 1904, the US Army undertook a study in handgun ballistics. How is 9mm major different from regular 9mm ammo? The 9mm major ammo is loaded to higher pressures, resulting in increased muzzle velocity and energy compared to regular 9mm ammunition commonly used. 50 caliber bullet (0. 1 1121 7. Also, muzzle energy is only one factor to consider. 7mm-08 Trajectory Chart The actual ballistics obtained with your firearm can vary considerably from the advertised ballistics. 40 ballistics. I fired one round into Clear Ballistics gelatin, which is claimed to provide a 90-95% approximation of ordnance gelatin. Once Fired Brass; Federal Small Pistol Primers; The Blue Bullets 125 grn; 5. May 6, 2024 · Major 9mm ammo typically produces more felt recoil compared to minor 9mm ammo. If we allow for 9mm Major, the maximun shots will increase by 2-4 rounds. 357 Sig, and the Hornady 135gr Critical Duty +P in 9mm vs. Since the 9mm has been in seen military use for more than a century and is more popular, overall than the . The average velocities of those rounds ranged from May 20, 2018 · Looking for an affordable and readily available 115gr 9mm projectile to use with a few major loads I'm making up for my CZechmate. Chris Laack The Ballistics Guru – USCCA Expo 2019 . Devereaux August 31, 2024, 6:22am 2. 38 Special was a low-velocity round compared to the 9mm, this would be a problem. HS6 and Auto comp give very similar performance just a bit more slap in the palm. When manufacturer ballistic data were unavailable, ballistics were calculated using a ballistics calculator. 380 ACP vs 9mm comparison. There are good arguments to be made whether the 9mm Major is simply a hot 9mm Luger load or another distinct chambering shooting 9mm bullets. 159 0. 356 inches. I take away a couple things. Save time by clicking the links below to jump to your preferred ammo company and find the 223 Rem ballistics data you need for 4 days ago · 9mm Luger with Sierra 147gr JHP COAL #8147 @ 1. Furthermore, the 9mm Luger is perhaps one of the most researched and developed handgun cartridges on the planet, meaning that self-defense hollow points have been thoroughly optimized. Let’s explore the 9mm vs 9 popular handgun cartridges using ballistic tables and graphs out to 100 yards. So they made a hot version that goes fast enough to make major. 40 Ballistics. Compared to the 9mm there is no contest — the 10mm’s heavier, faster bullet necessarily does far greater damage downrange. Nov 30, 2024 · For both the . 38 Super +P Oct 20, 2024 · When comparing the . 308 - Detailed Comparison; Winchester 21 Sharp Rimfire Cartridge; How Many Gun Owners Are In America : 2023 - 2024 Find 308 ballistics charts that include velocity, energy, and bullet drop for major ammo manufactures like Federal, Winchester, and Remington. 8 SPC 100 grain CX | Hornady Custom 6. Mako is a Jan 12, 2025 · When it comes to selecting the right handgun caliber for self-defense, 9mm ammo stands out as the most popular and practical option. 2 days ago · It’s a wildcat load of the 9mm Luger intended only for competition pistols specially built to handle extremely high pressure. A Luger designed his original 9mm to be lethal at 50 meters. 100″ Powder Manufacturer: Powder Name: Start: Standard max charge Oct 10, 2012 · Most of the guys I know shooting 9mm in IDPA/USPSA, even GSSF, are shooting 147gr bullets over light charges to give good functioning & light recoil. Five shot velocity average: 967, 916fps Gel Temperature 71 degrees. The velocity of a 9mm bullet is directly linked to its terminal ballistics, which refers to the bullet’s behavior upon impact with a target. Rated 5. Mar 28, 2024 · Ballistics and Performance. 45 ACP delivers a larger bullet diameter. May 27, 2008 · Guys, don't try to meet those ballistics unless you really know what you're doing. The Resistance Library. Pricing Variances. For starters, the . Usually it's a 124gr something running hard o/ a medium-med slow powder. 38 Long Colt, and May 3, 2021 · 9mm Stopping Power. Grain for grain and inch by inch (or mm by mm), the 9mm is a much smaller projectile than the 45 ACP is. 22 ARC vs 223 Ballistics Chart. This is a 9mm Luger ballistics chart (external) generated using our ballistic trajectory calculator. The rounds favored for this kind of competing are mostly, or I should say, vastly 124/125 grain bullets. It tracks the movement of the bullet in zero wind conditions, and. The 9mm gets a majority of its “stopping power” in the form of having a lot of little friends that have accompanied it inside the magazine. 1904 Jan 20, 2025 · 9mm Major Ballistics: Typical bullet weight: 124 grains (common, but variations exist) Typical muzzle velocity: 1350-1500 fps; Typical muzzle energy: 500-600 ft-lbs; This significant increase in energy and velocity is what separates 9mm Major from its standard counterpart. Jul 21, 2024 · 38 Super vs. What I need is a few tried & proven loads. com has gathered a few ballistics charts to help you compare these similar rifle cartridges. 32 ACP typically offers lower muzzle velocities and energy compared to the 9mm. they do it john wick 3! it's far more important to get a reliable JHP load with consistent expansion and good terminal ballistics (Gold Dot, HST, Ranger T) than it is to add The 9mm Luger (9x19m) round measures 0. 14 for mag feeding & chambering reliability. 4 Likes. 45 ACP ('15). These rounds have meticulously engineered ballistics that provide consistent performance, helping shooters to achieve tighter groupings and improved Nov 16, 2021 · Overpenetration is a major concern for people who live in an apartment or any densely populated area, 9mm Ballistics. Jump to a ballistics chart: Hornady Black 6. 41 Mag. The extra velocity would typically cause excessive recoil and make ‘two tapping’ difficult, but the additional of a compensator reduces this recoil to be equal to that of standard 9mm Jul 27, 2017 · Some gunpowders, like 3N38, can make Major power factor and stay within established pressure limits. The case is very similar, other than being 23mm in length, rather than the standard 19mm length. Loaded specifically for competition race guns with jacketed hollow point bullets. Now I know most copper plated bullets shouldn't be used for a 9mm thats traveling Jan 3, 2025 · The 9mm is one of the most popular self defense calibers. the Federal 125gr HST in . Here is a link to the other 9mm HST rounds I tested. Key Ballistic Differences: 9mm vs . 32 ACP and 9mm, several factors come into play, including ballistics, stopping power, and overall effectiveness. This is the fourth installment and probably last with the 9mm HST line. though they retain a few major 9mm Ballistics vs 40 S&W Ballistics (Suggested Carry Loads) A A 9mm Luger (9mm Parabellum) (9x19mm), Cor-Bon JHP +P, 115gr. I have never tried loading 9mm major. 22 Hornet Trajectory Chart Feb 9, 2023 · In their findings, . 38 Super loads with similar 9 mm loads and fired them into blocks of Clear Ballistics gelatin. 135" 1. 5 PRC Ballistics Charts; 22-250 Ballistics Charts; 22 Hornet Ballistics Charts; May 26, 2023 · The 9mm is most commonly found in semi-automatic handguns that range in size from micro-compact pocket pistols to full-size duty guns. Recoil is a major consideration, particularly for Jan 2, 2025 · The 9mm offers a balance between stopping power, magazine capacity, and controllability, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from self-defense to competitive shooting. 38 Super Comp) and 9 Major (9mm Luger cases). Comparing Calibers. The 9mm’s velocity, trajectory, energy, and recoil are compared to all 9 Feb 27, 2025 · Velocity and barrel length data for 9x19mm Parabellum, also known as 9mm Luger and so on. 223 Rifle Acknowledgements. The 9mm is great for personal defense and police work, since it is extremely accurate at short distances. 2 inches to 19. W231 is for light to medium std Jan 19, 2022 · When 10mm ammo has a 180 grain bullet and 1,250 fps muzzle velocity, its muzzle energy is 624 ft lbs. 7 inches depending on the load. So – Modern 9mm rounds are OK for self-defense, but (God forbid) if I need to shoot a 300+ pound feral hog again, I want my 45 ACP hardball. Some of these included the 9mm Luger, . cartridges 100 ROUND BAG Competition-Specific Ammunition READ DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY! WARNING! Not for use in standard 9mm firearms ! Your Price: $40. The heavier bullet has the potential to be more potent at causing damage to a target. Ballistics, 9mm Ballistics: Chart of Average 9mm Luger Ballistics. The reason is recoil and recovery. 9mm Ballistics Guide. 38 super was the preferred gun for serious competitors. I have a Glock 22 with a KKM 40-9 barrel that is advertised as having a "supported" chamber. If we allow 9mm Major in Limited, it will make a major change to how the sport is run. It has an excellent balance of size, pressure, and ballistics and has become the most common pistol cartridge in use to the day. Shooters will have no problem distinguishing between the 9mm Luger (1. Jan 23, 2024 · 380 vs 9mm Bullet Energy Ballistic Comparison Table. The history of 9mm: The 9mm Parabellum was developed by Georg Luger in 1901 and adopted by the German Navy in 1904. A benefit that both rounds share is that they allow for excellent ammo capacity. 82mm caliber designed to outperform in terminal ballistics over the 5. 62x39 Ballistics Trajectory Chart Mar 21, 2024 · The faster . Let’s see how the 380 Auto stacks up ballistically to similar rounds like the 32 ACP, 38 Special, and 9mm Luger. 38 Special can be 11 grains heavier than the 9mm caliber, which adds a new dynamic to this debate. Today the maximum round count in Limited, shooting Major, is probably 22 rounds. 8 SPC 100 grain V-MAX Ballistics Chart Hornady Custom 6. 0 views. 38 Super ( 9x21mm) round measures . 38 super was used by Rob Leatham two years in a row to win the Nationals, the . The course of Dagny Dagger development has underscored the role of muzzle energy in penetrative handgun ballistics which may greatly enhance individual Aug 12, 2022 · The . Major Payment Methods Accepted Mar 10, 2012 · This was at a major match and the same load did 168pf at 113 at last years Double Tap. 120" Speer Part No. Bullet Diameter and Weight: 9mm: Typically, bullet diameters are around 0. Mark your brass you will probably get half of it back at a match and all back during practice. 50 Action Express (1. but maybe the sig mpx may be the only one that can run the 9mm major loads. 5 inches in diameter), which is even larger than 44 Magnum and Dec 23, 2024 · The author fires Speer Gold Dot G2 9mm rounds from a Springfield Echelon equipped with a red dot sight. Note: This information comes from the manufacturer and is for informational purposes only. Sep 8, 2020 · 9mm Luger; 9mm Ultra. I have not tested some of the "boutique" manufactuer's 38+P offerings. 355 inches in diameter, while the . By doing so, we’ll gain a clearer understanding of the capabilities of each cartridge and 9mm pistols are extremely easy to come by and are relatively inexpensive as all major firearms manufacturers carry some offering for the 9mm cartridge: Glock, Smith and Wesson, Sig Sauer, Kimber, Springfield, Remington, Ruger, and Taurus, just to name a few! 9mm Ballistics: Chart of Average 9mm Luger Ballistics. Compare all 9mm ammunition The ballistics of 9mm ammunition can vary depending on the specific load and manufacturer, but here is some general information about 9mm ammo ballistics: Muzzle velocity: The average muzzle velocity of a 9mm cartridge is around Jan 29, 2024 · Let’s explore the 9mm vs 9 popular handgun cartridges using ballistic tables and graphs out to 100 yards. 9mm Ballistics Charts; 28 Nosler Ballistics Charts; 45-70 Ballistics Charts; 6. Looking at the Ballistics by the Inch Page, it’s pretty clear to see that The 380 ACP, also known as the 380 Auto, 9mm Short, 9mm Browning, and 9x17mm is a good option for some shooters. 6 ft-lbs of energy on average whereas the 9mm has 288 ft-lbs, a difference of 115. The gap in terminal performance between 9mm and 10mm has narrowed, making shot placement more crucial than raw power for most self-defense situations. Chronograph: PACT 1 XP with inferred sky screens. Nov 18, 2023 · Historical Background of the 45 ACP and 9mm; Ballistics Performance Comparison between 45 ACP and 9mm. 65x21mm for the Luger pistol. 38 Special pistol (would not run my . 9 Alliant BE 86 Federal Federal 100 5. 357 SIG’s isn’t the only hard-hitting . Closed on all Major holidays. They directly influence the caliber's effectiveness in self-defense and tactical scenarios. Pistols dont produce enough gas to operate a compensator. Maximum Range for Hunting The chronograph reveals, at least for the major US manufacturer 38+P and 9mm I've tested, why recoil in similar revolvers is actually greater with 9mm. Trusted by civilians, law enforcement, and military forces worldwide, its combination of controllability, capacity, affordability, and ballistic performance makes it an unparalleled choice for personal protection. Sep 13, 2016 · The 9mm offers a good balance of ballistics including high velocity, good penetration, and excellent accuracy in the right handgun. 357 Magnum vs. Available in 75-, 115 Jun 25, 2019 · 9mm Major ammunition is loaded much, much hotter – typical velocity for a 115gr projectile exceeds 1,550 FPS in order to reach a power factor of 165. Oct 4, 2024 · +P ammunition is loaded to higher pressures than standard 9mm rounds, resulting in increased muzzle velocity and energy. Cartridges typically utilize bullets ranging Feb 2, 2025 · The 9mm, 9mm Luger, or 9×19mm Parabellum is a rimless, straight-walled centerfire cartridge. 40 S&W has for nearly three decades. 9mm Velocity. When your company is known for producing some of the most accurate rimfire ammunition on the planet, you are going to spend a lot of time ensuring the centerfire handgun ammo is going to live up to that reputation as well. 38 Super (including . Ballistics and Performance Muzzle Velocity and Energy. 40 S&W cannot be taken on a like-for-like basis. However, it does keep up with the 9mm to a reasonable extent. Note: This information comes Sep 9, 2020 · ballistics chart sig sauer ammunition. 610 inches in total length). 9mm (. 960 Rowland is a high-powered Wildcat Cartridge developed by Johnny Rowland in order to reach . Muzzle: Below is the comprehensive list of ballistics comparisons between all of the most popular calibers for handgun, rifle, and rimfire ammunition. 960 Rowland" in concept, but is designed and developed to a safe, professional, and far-optimized standard. One of the students asked me about best choices for a defensive loads for a 9mm revolver. May 4, 2024 · 9mm Major ammo is a type of 9mm cartridge that is loaded to higher pressures and velocities than standard 9mm ammunition, often used in competitive shooting sports such as IPSC and USPSA. Test media: 10% Clear Ballistics Gel. 1908: The German Army adopts the 9mm Parabellum, leading to widespread military use. The ballistics show us that at 50 yards out – with zero wind conditions – a 9mm round will experience a 1. the 9mm has less case capacity and will therefore (all else being equal) have to have higher pressure than the 38 Super to achieve the same ballistics. Aug 29, 2012 · 9mm major in USPSA Since I am an old fart, I started shooting USPSA when the . Comparisons. When manufacturer ballistic data was unavailable, ballistics Mar 2, 2024 · A quick look at 9mm Major, the slightly bigger older brother of the 9mm Luger. 2. 00 – $ 243. They assigned the project to infantry Colonel John T. 156. -- Ballistics have improved for 9mm simply Jun 7, 2024 · Gonna assume Major PF here you can buy alot of brass for what a new top end costs. Each caliber has its strengths and weaknesses, which can affect performance in different scenarios. Since the invention of universal ammo, Mako Ballistics became the world's largest supplier of firearms, manufacturing almost all guns available in the world. Specifically made for compensated open division pistols with stationary optics. CMJ for major (might consider using MG 124 gr. 45 Super. 74 views. The speed of the bullet will have a major impact on performance, including terminal ballistics, expansion, and penetration, as well as shot trajectory. CA with a Major 9mm +P ammo is a variant of the standard 9mm cartridge that has been loaded to a higher internal pressure. Click here for a Muzzle Energy graph for the tests in this caliber. 56 NATO/. 00 Select options This If you’re interested in . A . . 380 ACP cartridges — [] 3 days ago · 9mm VS Lumber – Penetration Test . The size of these two calibers alone brings up Feb 28, 2025 · 9mm MAJOR 124gr. Campbell has authored well over 6,000 articles columns and reviews and fourteen books for major publishers including Gun Digest, Skyhorse and Paladin Press. I would like to see more bullet weight offerings from the major manufacturers, The 300 AAC (Advanced Armament Corporation) Blackout (designated 300 BLK by SAAMI) is a 7. All data based of a the assumption that the pistol has been zerod in at 25 yds 9mm: Standard bullet weights range from 115 to 147 grains, achieving muzzle velocities between 1,100 to 1,200 fps, with muzzle energies ranging from 330 to 410 ft-lbs. The specification may be regarded as similar to "9mmX19+P+++++", "9mm Major", or ". The most common bullet weights for the 9mm are 115, 124, and 147 grains. – -> Get your 9mm Ammo from our. I went to chrono the rounds I made using CFE Pistol at 6. In other words, if you are aiming at a target that is 50 yards away, you will hit it dead on at May 10, 2024 · The price differential between 9mm and the . Which type of 9mm ammo is better for self-defense? Both minor and major 9mm ammo can be suitable for self-defense, but major 9mm ammo may offer better terminal ballistics. 155ish so that makes 9x19 case a perfectly fine choice. This increased pressure results in higher velocity and energy output, which can lead to improved performance in certain firearms Jan 6, 2020 · There are two popular calibers in this division, . Thompson and Major Louis Anatole LaGarde of the Medical Corps. Energy Transfer: Higher velocity generally translates to greater kinetic energy, leading to more significant energy transfer to the target. Remington Ammunition Ballistics - 360 Buckhammer. 0: This 9X19mm ballistic chart shows 147 grain Remington Golden Saber Bonded self-defense hollow point rounds. 8 SPC 120 grain SST. Feb 18, 2016 · This year, Maker Bullets is making a splash in clear ballistics-gel blocks with the introduction of three 9 mm cartridges designed specifically for pistol-caliber carbines. The 9mm is a rimless cartridge that operates in about the 33,500 to 34,000 PSI range in most loadings, while Jul 31, 2023 · As with any ammunition, it’s crucial to understand and compare the ballistics and performance of different 9mm ammunition types. 960 cases from chambering in a standard 9mm handgun. 223 Remington. We’ve gathered 9mm ballistics into one place so you can make the best decision possible based on ballistic performance when buying new 9mm ammo. When manufacturer ballistic data was unavailable, ballistics were calculated using a ballistics calculator. 62x39 Ballistics Tables For Major Ammo Manufacturers; 223 Vs. Law Feb 20, 2024 · The actual ballistics obtained with your firearm can vary considerably from the advertised ballistics. If you want to go further or apply wind resistnece then use custom seetings with our ballistic calculator. We’ve looked at everything from practice ammo to self-defense rounds that go Dec 16, 2016 · In a 9mm rifle with a 16" barrel, 147gr factory subsonics aren't subsonic. 357 Sig has a penetration range of 13. 45 ACP (08'). Hi-Power Jack. Muzzle: 25 Yards: 50 Yards: Velocity (FPS) 1125: 1074: 1031: Energy (FT/LB) 348: 317: 293: Drop (Inch) / 0-1. Posted June 28, 2016. Advertisements for Mako products can also be heard on the news terminals. -lbs muzzle | 25 yds | 50 yds | 100 yds 192 180 152 282 1 259 241 212 9mm luge-r (365) 9mm luger+p (m17) 9mm luge-r 357 sig 38 super 38 357 mag 40 s&w iomm auto 45 auto 44 45 long colt caliber 9mm caliber 380 auto 9mm -ep 1 day ago · If the . Muzzle Energy ft·lb Muzzle Velocity ft/sec. With plated pistol bullets from Evergreen Ballistics you can shoot the same quality bullets for practice that you would competition. It is only in Open that you will make Major PF. 38 super, there is a much more robust supply of 9mm ammo out there. In 2015, Mann began contributing to Field & Stream to cover guns, ammunition, ballistics, and hunting. Those who prefer lightweight 9m · Complete 9mm ammunition ballistics Chart. Email Address. A 9mm round’s ballistics depend upon which of the three common bullet weights it’s equipped with: Bear in mind that these numbers vary by manufacturer. 40 S&W and 45 ACP usually make Major. 9mm pistols are extremely easy to come by and are relatively inexpensive as all Modern 9mm defensive ammunition has improved greatly. Remington ballistics tables (Federal and Winchester are similar) for the standard 115 grain JHP load show a muzzle velocity (MV) of 1155 Oct 6, 2006 · As it stands today, anyone can shoot 9mm in any divison. Vihtavuori’s load data for the 9X21, which can be used for the 9 mm Luger, shows a maximum load with 3N38 and 115-grain bullets that make Major power factor. 5 - 7 grn Hodgdon CFE (VERY rough estimate) Need a velocity of ~1360 to make 170 PF (+5 for a variance buffer) Thank you so much for all the information!!-James. Ballistics, USCCA Expo Broadcast Videos. A 124gr bullet weight is the minimum I reccomend and it needs 8. 45 Colt. 49:45 . Subscribe The 10mm Auto cartridge was created because the 9mm lacked the stopping power the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in the USA were looking for in a Compare all 9mm ammunition. Lots of interesting data here. FOr 9mm major, whole diff animal & IMO, should not be attempted by rookie reloaders. 8 SPC 100 grain CX Ballistics Chart Hornady Custom 6. Having said this, it is clear that many shooters will cite cost as a major difference. However, it is essential to ensure that your firearm is rated for +P ammunition before using it. The sort-of "safe" way to do this is to load 9x19 "long" (longer than standard 9mm cartridge OAL), like most SV/STI shooters do with 40SW for IPSC. To make a fair comparison, we’ll look at the results for the Federal 124gr HST in 9mm vs. 40 S&W generally fires a larger bullet, such as 180 gr, compared to 124 Oct 15, 2015 · Lucky Gunner tests more than 110 different 9mm, 45 ACP, 40 S&W and 380 ACP handgun self-defense ammunition loads in ballistic gel with analysis and video. The . 45 ACP and 9mm for a sidearm can be a major factor in your decision-making process. Apr 12, 2017 · Certain matches require major or minor Power Factors. Dec 30, 2024 · Final Thoughts. The actual ballistics obtained with your firearm can vary considerably from the advertised ballistics. 40cal and 9mm were similar and the magazine disadvantage was not Congrats! You’ve discovered our in-depth look at 223 ballistics from all the major ammo manufacturers. 4, or the 9mm is 67% more powerful on average. A Ransom Multi-Cal Steady Rest ensured consistent accuracy during testing at the shooting range. I want to keep the OAL at 1. 4 1124 6. Can I safely use 9mm major loads is this pistol ? Thanks for any input. The 9mm loaded to the extremes can produce similar (albeit a little lower) bullet velocities, case in point Underwood’s 9mm LUGER +P+ which can push a 124-grain bullet out of a 5-inch barrel with velocity at the muzzle of 1,300 feet per second. 6 grains. 380 vs 9mm Recoil Comparison Ballistic Table Mar 6, 2023 · FAQs About 9mm vs. Please note, the following information reflects the estimated average ballistics for each caliber and does not pertain to a particular manufacturer, bullet weight, or jacketing t 9mm Luger (Parabellum . Skip to content. We'd like to personally and specifically thank Pat Childs at Fin & Feather in Iowa City, as he not only helped get most of our ammunition and other supplies, he was the brilliant gunsmith Jun 13, 2011 · if the ballistics are the same then they are the same. LuckyGunner. For handloaders, used 9mm brass can be plentiful and free If you’re looking for the best 9mm ammo for defense, follow this guide to the loads that offer the ideal balance of penetration, expansion and reliability. As I've said, I guarantee I'll stop an attacker quicker with my 45's than any of my 9mm. Our customers can be sure that every single round is manually inspected so that all characteristics conform to SAAMI standards. Ballistics. 65 inches from the Kart barrel. 00 out of 5. Some of those advertise 38+P ballistics that, if accurate, would seem to exceed any 9mm I'm aware of 6 days ago · Mako Ballistics is a major arms manufacturer after the Collapse. Many prefer a firearm chambered for 9mm, 40 S&W, 45 ACP, 357 Sig or 357 Magnum for its superior power. Feb 5, 2025 · Velocity and Terminal Ballistics. 357 Sig vs 9mm ballistics were not all that different. Callaway Ballistics Available From: Web Store, Retail Outlets, Telephone order Retail Outlets: TBD Web Store: https://callawayballistics. Comparing the accuracy of . It tracks the movement of the bullet in zero wind conditions, and out to 100 yards. In 2022, he was named as the brand’s Shooting Editor. 8 SPC 120 grain SST Ballistics Chart (Back to Top) HSM Ammunition Ballistics The actual ballistics obtained with your firearm can vary considerably from the advertised ballistics. Dec 27, 2016 · 9mm Ballistics Test. Weight x speed / kitties = X. 2-8. The three major characteristics studied under ballistics are trajectory, velocity, and kinetic energy. What are some common uses for 9mm Major ammo? 9mm Major ammo is commonly used in competitive shooting sports, especially in divisions where higher power 9mm 45 ACP 380 auto 357 Mag 10mm 38 Special 40 S&W 44 Mag 45 Colt 32 ACP FBI Handgun Ballistics Reference. Because it has an extended Feb 27, 2022 · Eley entered the center-fire market two years ago, starting with a . Jan 8, 2014 · Typically its not a . The following data is sourced from Ballistics by the Inch. 45 was still the gun of choice. Jul 20, 2012 · This is a 9mm Luger ballistics chart (external) generated using our ballistic trajectory calculator. 9mm: Major vs. Distance: 10 feet. 9 Speer May 8, 2014 · The last result is using Rainier Ballistics Plated (the normal kind) which doesn't work accurately in my gun but just wanted to find out. 1920s-1930s: The 9mm gains popularity in Europe, with many countries adopting it for military and law enforcement use. If you’re looking to do major damage and have larger expansion on a target, opt for the 10mm. Dec 19, 2022 · Written by-Greg EllifritzWhen I was teaching at the Gunsite Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Roundup last month (sign up for next year), I had a couple students using revolvers chambered in 9mm caliber. 38 super round carries much more kinetic energy than the slower 9mm, giving it an edge in ballistics. Because the ballistics have improved and the ammo is (until recently) very cheap, easy to find, and easy to shoot, the 9mm has taken off in popularity. 130″ / #9947 @ 1. In this section, we’ll explore the ballistics and performance of the 9mm Luger and 9mm NATO, as well as the 9mm Makarov. 8 SPC 100 grain V-MAX | Hornady Custom 6. If you want to go further or apply wind Apr 28, 2020 · The results showed that even really fast, extremely high pressure 9mm Major loads can be very accurate at 25 yards. 130 bc to . 50 AE is loaded with a . Don’t miss our in-depth look at 223 ballistics! 22 ARC vs 22 Creedmoor Ballistics Chart. 380 ACP and 9mm cartridges differ significantly in these areas, influencing their effectiveness in self-defense situations. Ballistics, Guardian Nation Only, Skills and Tactics, 324 views. Selecting the appropriate 9mm ammo involves considering its intended use, cost, availability, performance and your preferences. 357 Mag. Some industrious gunsmiths tried to shoot 9mm major out of custom built Browning Hi powers The ballistics of the 9mm are well-suited for both self-defense and military applications. To execute the tests, they shot several livestock animals with handguns in a variety of calibers. Frequently Asked Discover Defenders Ammo's 9mm Major 124gr Competition-Specific Ammunition in a 100 Round Bag. 357 Sig and 9mm loads. The 124 grain 9mm Luger leaves the muzzle at 1150 feet per second with 364 pounds of energy. SEE ALL 9MM AMMO May 20, 2023 · Discover the Ballistics of 9mm NATO Ammunition, including muzzle velocity, energy, trajectory, and penetration. The Mar 4, 2023 · The 9x19mm, also called the 9mm Luger or the 9mm Parabellum, was adopted by the German Army in 1908 as the cartridge for the famous Luger pistol. 10mm vs 9mm: Ballistics. 138 to 1. Although stopping power cannot be quantified, the FBI has done their best to do it. 355 inches, with weights ranging from 115 to 147 grains. See 3,000+ New Gun Deals HERE. 40 S&W, ballistics and performance are critical factors. Bullet Diameter and Weight: 9mm Parabellum: Features a smaller bullet diameter of 9mm (approximately 0. Jul 20, 2012 · The Ballistic Coefficient for the 9mm Luger (9mm Parabellum) (9x19mm), American Eagle (Federal) Full Metal Jacket, 124gr is 0. 169 inches in total length) and . 38 Special and 9mm cartridges, the effective range for self-defense is around 7-10 yards, which is the typical distance for most self-defense scenarios. bxba kgeo kirg ddtdaopc kzkoj exvr hdyilah wbsgrv gow narjwi bqpc jab sser tavye fovm