Admincontrol board portal. Sign documents with electronic signing.
Admincontrol board portal 1: Secure distribution of the companies most sensitive information. Reach decisions faster with easy set-up of digital agendas, secure online collaboration and rapid Board Portal from Admincontrol provides a secure approach to c-suite communication and supports effective remote and hybrid working. Reach decisions faster with easy set-up of digital agendas, secure online collaboration and rapid These days, strong authentication is a must for accessing business-critical information. Online board meetings are here to stay! We want to make it easy March 2024: New Admincontrol iOS app available; See more June 2022: Board portal release notes A new and improved meeting list! To make it easier to navigate in the meeting list in your portal we have build a new layout of the list Admincontrol’s data room is tailored to Board Portal; Data room; Deal Hub; Preparation portal; Webshop; Resources. Admincontrol offers dedicated solutions for Board Portal from Admincontrol. This webinar explores the benefits of working with Board Portal, the most common challenges the board and management are facing, and how to solve these challenges working with the Board Glasgow: 24 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2EU – United Kingdom London: 16-18 Middlesex Road, London E1 7EX – United Kingdom Support: +44 (0) 7520 615187 [email protected] Admincontrol Board Portal | Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. 60% of our International Board This webinar explores the benefits of working with Board Portal, the most common challenges the board and management are facing, and how to solve these challenges working with the Board Board Portal. All board work collected on a single platform; Always access to board papers A structured annual plan enables more time for both the chairman of the board and board members to prepare the agenda topics, resulting in more efficient meetings. Get started in minutes . 🛑 Important: The encryption level we use (AES-256) may not be Board portal. It will help your board to save time and money March 2024: New Admincontrol iOS app available; See more March 2022: Board Portal release notes Online meeting links. Glasgow: 24 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2EU – United Kingdom London: New Broad Street House, 35 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1NH – United Kingdom Support: +44 (0) 7520 Board Portal | Unlock the Secrets to Streamline Board Work and Due Diligence - Expert Tips, Powerful Tools, All posts Data Room & Due Diligence Board Portal M&A Cybersecurity Upcoming release: Board portal release notes For the March release, we have two exciting updates. Digital document sharing and collaboration for the board and management. Resource centre; Blog; Help centre; Service status; Due diligence checklist; eBook: Boardroom in 2023; Support; Board portals and efficient board work Checklists, webinars and other resources This is where to find all our resources covering board portals, efficient board work and digital meetings. Styreportal – Digital dokumentdeling og samhandling for styret A board portal has become a key tool for professional boards, and we explain why your board should try one. Getting your agenda organised is simple with Meeting Book. It all starts by deciding who´s going to attend the survey and to send it out for Lille Grensen 7, 0159 Oslo – Norway +47 22 83 61 00 [email protected] Privacy and cookies Whistleblower channel Cookie Settings (int) Change language Admincontrol is a leading Board Portal and Virtual Data Room provider. From the next release the login page is placed on a new site; login. We spoke to Møyfrid Øygard, Managing Director of Admincontrol, about the . Simple, secure and legally binding. In the months to come, we are rolling out design improvements in our portals. Prepare your next Change email address. Discover the route to more efficient and secure board work. We take the security and privacy of your data and information very seriously. Use this guide to ensure you make the right choice for your organisation. com voor meer informatie over board portal-software en het organiseren van bestuursvergaderingen . Manage users and permissions. com and we will respond as quickly as we can. Al het bestuurswerk verzameld in één platform; Admincontrol heeft ISO February 2025: Board portal release notes; January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; (4. admincontrol. For Admincontrol, Admincontrol Board Portal | Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. Communicate securely with your own team and share attachments without leaving the app Admincontrol Joins the UK G-Cloud 14 Framework! 🚀 We’re excited to announce that Admincontrol is now officially part of the UK Government’s G-Cloud 14 Framework for both Board Portal and What is a preparation portal? A preparation portal is a data room used only by your internal teams and advisers, allowing you to get prepared and organised prior to inviting a buyer group to join. Two-factor login. It will help your board to save time and money March 2024: New Admincontrol iOS app available; See more July 2022: Board portal release notes Timezones in meetings. All other links The Admincontrol user account Our board portal is a secure and efficient tool for interaction and document sharing among the board, executive management and other key stakeholders. ’‘Admincontrol has given us easier and more secure distribution of documentation to decision-making bodies. It’s a natural fit to integrate our A Board Portal from Admincontrol provides a secure approach to c-suite communication and supports effective remote and hybrid working. How to register as a user. Det är enkelt att strukturera dagordningen med en mötesbok. Change email address. Secure, user-friendly and feature-rich board portal used by more than 80 000 users and 4000 companies in all sizes, Board Portal for Administrators Upload and share documents; Manage users and permissions; System roles; Two-factor login; User roles ; Building a folder structure; Set up and add new In board portals zijn twee sets tools beschikbaar: één voor de bestuursleden en één voor het administratief personeel. net. These enhancements consist of Board Portal; Virtual Data Room; Webinars; New releases; Blog. Board administrators can set up and add key topics to provide a clear overview of the yearly meeting schedule. This webinar explores the benefits of working with Board Portal, the most common challenges the board and management are facing, and how to solve these challenges working with the Board Set up a meeting in minutes. That means no more wasting time searching computers for saved files or printing off endless copies of updated documents. Drawing from their extensive January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; Board evaluation embedded in Admincontrol's Board portal The Admincontrol board evaluation module is an easy to use and easy to access module in your Board portal. Styrelseportal – Digital dokumentdelning och samarbete för styrelse och ledning Optimise the performance of your board The new and improved Admincontrol iOS app is designed to optimise access to business-critical information and speed up board work for Our board portal is a secure and efficient tool for interaction and document sharing among the board, executive management and other key stakeholders. The key topics will also be visible in the meeting Board Evaluation from Admincontrol, for example, takes 50% less time to complete than other comparable surveys, costs less to implement than competitive offerings, is embedded within Bekijk hoe de Board Portal de manier waarop uw bestuur werkt kan veranderen met een gratis en vrijblijvende demo. User roles . Admincontrol is ISO 27001:2022 January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; Online video meeting in your board portal. Menu Close. Board Portal Data room Preparation portal Webshop January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; Admincontrol Board Portal : qu'en pensent les utilisateurs ? Lisez les avis sur Admincontrol Board Portal, consultez ses différents prix, tarifs et abonnements ainsi que ses fonctionnalités. For Admincontrol, security and privacy are at the centre of Se, hvordan en bestyrelsesportal kan ændre den måde, din bestyrelse fungerer på, med en demo uden forpligtelser. DNV GL recommends Admincontrol’s Board portal Oaklins recommends Admincontrol’s Data Room Looking for tips January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release February 2025: Board portal release notes; January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; that these enhancements will greatly Board Portal | Unlock the Secrets to Streamline Board Work and Due Diligence - Expert Tips, Powerful Tools, and Valuable Insights. Menu. Electronic signatures. At Admincontrol two out of three customers have adopted this crucial security measure, and we However, when adding files to the Board book, the new upload feature offers a convenient option for secretaries to create a new folder directly in the upload flow. First upload meeting documents to the relevant folder and then the Meeting Book feature will guide January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; February 2022: Board Portal release notes Enable two-factor authentication for your profile. A secure and user-friendly sharing and collaboration platform for boards and management Board Portal | Unlock the Secrets to Streamline Board Work and Due Diligence - Expert Tips, Powerful Tools, and Valuable Insights. Send evaluation surveys to board members securely with At Admincontrol, we are continuously focusing on enhancing user experience. The solution serves the board members, the management, Manage the end-to-end board evaluation process digitally within the secure Admincontrol board portal . Een board portal moet voldoen aan de behoeften van zowel Pysy yhteyksissä Missä tahansa työskenteletkin, pysy yhteydessä hallitukseesi laitteesta ja ajankohdasta riippumatta Vauhdita hallintomenettelyjä Integroitujen työkalujen avulla Admincontrol Board Portal - The one stop solution for effective boards. Simplify Your Processes and Boost Efficiency Today! Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. Digitaalinen yhteistyöalusta hallitukselle ja johtoryhmälle. Discover now! Board portal. The most common Authenticator Apps in use today are Google Authenticator and Microsoft Authenticator. This can be used for document sharing, Glasgow: 24 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2EU – United Kingdom London: 16-18 Middlesex Road, London E1 7EX – United Kingdom Support: +44 (0) 7520 615187 [email protected] Alltid tilkoblet Uansett hvor du arbeider fra og når, kan du holde kontakten med styret via alle typer enheter. In your meetings organized inside a Boardportal in Admincontrol, it is possible to provide a link to a videoconferencing system so that the meeting Admincontrol is proud to announce that we have entered into an exciting collaboration with Aboard. Vraag een demo aan When you export data from your Board Portal, it will be packaged into an encrypted . Board portals and efficient board work Checklists, Security @ Admincontrol; Konfigurera ett möte på några minuter. Ha full oversikt over dine gjøremål All info Board Portal for Administrators . It is an increasing security risk Admincontrol Board Portal - The one stop solution for effective boards. Support Here’s five safety & security reasons for choosing a board portal. Upload and share documents. Notes and annotations in documents. Board portal; Board evaluation; Book a live online demonstration with one of our board portal experts. Support 24/7. The solution serves the board members, the management, administration and the stakeholders of the company. Sign documents with electronic signing. All board work collected into a single platform; Permanent access to board papers; Electronic signatures How to register as a user. Verschaff dir einen schnellen Überblick zu It’s now critical that all boards learn from best practice and adopt the technology and habits they need to keep pace. Use a board their content can be easily deleted remotely. Feel in control with a secure 360° view of board matters and governance on any device at any time. Action: Review your board portal’s capabilities with our At Admincontrol, we are continuously focusing on enhancing user experience. Read more. This can be especially useful January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; How board portals can help maximise the efficiency of board work; The advantages of board portals for secretaries; The benefits of board portals for the C-Suite ; Tips on creating a perfect Admincontrol | Unlock the Secrets to Streamline Board Work and Due Diligence - Expert Tips, Powerful Tools, and Valuable Insights. We are now rolling out new design improvements in our portals. Working to the highest level of security and with a tablet based intuitive user interface, our services are utilised by December 2021: Board Portal release notes Electronic signature improvements. Bezoek admincontrol. Over the past 18 years, we have As board members, we have used Admincontrol’s digital board portal extensively over the years to help facilitate our work and collaborate with colleagues. We are now launching our AI text Board Portal for Administrators Upload and share documents; Manage users and permissions; System roles; Two-factor login; User roles ; Building a folder structure; Set up and add new Admincontrol CSR; Ledelsen; Samarbeidspartnere; Sikkerhet; Ledige stillinger; Be om demo; Support; Log in; Be om demo. Share sensitive business information Board portal software (sometimes known as board management software) provides boards and management teams with a secure digital platform. Admincontrol offers dedicated solutions for Portal del panel Admincontrol: la solución de ventanilla única para paneles eficaces. All these resources are possible to download. Ladda först upp möteshandlingarna till relevant mapp och låt sedan mötesboksfunktionen guida dig genom processen för att skapa en In Admincontrol we are introducing support for Authenticator App to be used as the second factor. Digitaal delen van documenten en digitale interactie voor de raad van bestuur en het management. Personal user settings. Portal de panel seguro, fácil de usar y con gran cantidad de funciones, utilizado por más de 35 000 September 2022: Board Portal release notes Login page. Log in. Go to your preferred currency for a full pricing overview Vi valde Admincontrol som leverantör av styrelseportal av främst tre anledningar: den höga säkerheten, det lättbegripliga gränssnittet och en väldigt bra supportfunktion. Reach decisions faster with easy set-up of digital agendas, secure online collaboration and rapid Admincontrol Board Portals offer a cloud-based board management solution designed for businesses of all sizes. Effektiviser styreprosessene Integrerte verktøy som lar styret ta beslutninger raskere. Download this guide to discover: The best methods for virtual Admincontrol Help Centre; Board Portal Get started. Reset password . Secure, user-friendly and feature-rich board portal used by more than 80 000 users and 4000 companies in all sizes, and with a 97 per cent customer Meeting Book ensures board members always have the documents they need in the meeting folder. System roles. Companies both large and small enjoy the benefits of Admincontrol’s board Admincontrol is ISO 27001:2013 and SOC 2 Type II certified. Needless to say, at Admincontrol we take security and the protection of access to board documents very seriously. Vi är väldigt Admincontrol for document security. Companies both large and small enjoy Board Portal Data room Preparation portal Webshop Resources Resource centre Due diligence checklist Help centre eBook: Board behaviour – 5 new working styles Support FAQ Sign the minutes of board meetings and other corporate documents easily, securely and in compliance with company and official guidelines. At Admincontrol two out of three customers have adopted this crucial security measure, and we Secure Messages is well suited for sending messages to the board and management, as well as creating a dialogue and communication between users. A board portal, or board management software, is a centralised, highly secure online hub designed for board administrators and directors to share confidential documents and information and also exercise governance and decision Book a live online demonstration with one of our board portal experts. Digital document sharing and collaboration. You can also The board evaluation module is a user-friendly tool seamlessly integrated into our board portal, offering our customers a hassle-free digital evaluation process. It all starts by Secure Messaging. Digital document sharing and interaction for the board and management. Board Portal for January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; The Sales Development Representative will play an instrumental role in the direct growth of Admincontrol by seeking new business opportunities through prospecting and engaging with What is a preparation portal? A preparation portal is a restricted platform used only by your internal teams and advisers, allowing you to get prepared and organised prior to inviting a Pricing for Virtual Data Room. Discover the new Admincontrol iOS app! Plan the board’s meetings for a whole year with the new annual plan module. Misschien bent u ook geïnteresseerd in onze Ultieme gids voor Glasgow: 24 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2EU – United Kingdom London: 16-18 Middlesex Road, London E1 7EX – United Kingdom Support: +44 (0) 7520 615187 [email protected] Ausführliche Erfahrungsberichte zu Admincontrol Board Portal mit detaillierten Infos zu Funktionen, Preisen und Bewertungen. A secure and user-friendly sharing and collaboration platform Bevar forbindelsen Uanset hvor du arbejder, kan du altid bevare forbindelsen med din bestyrelse på en hvilken som helst enhed Fremskynd governance-procedurerne Integrerede værktøjer Security and protecting our customers is extremely important to us at Admincontrol. Experience seamless collaboration, secure document sharing, and much more. Reach decisions faster with easy set-up of digital agendas, secure online collaboration and rapid For Admincontrol, security and privacy are at the centre of everything we do; in developing our solutions, as much as in day-to-day operations and activities. Key The Admincontrol solution, for example, includes two options that are both compliant with EU eIDAS standards: Advanced signature and Limited signature. Discover the new Admincontrol iOS app! Collaboration and digital solutions from Scandinavia’s leading supplier of board portals and data rooms. Need further assistance? Contact Us +47 22 83 61 00 These days, strong authentication is a must for accessing business-critical information. The Admincontrol board evaluation module is an easy-to-use and easy-to-access module in your Board Portal. Data security is of Håll kontakten Oavsett var du arbetar kan du när som helst ansluta till din styrelse på vilken enhet som helst Snabba upp rutinerna för styrelseledning Integrerade verktyg hjälper styrelsen att Blijf verbonden Waar u ook werkt, blijf altijd en op elk apparaat verbonden met uw bestuur De bestuursprocedures versnellen Geïntegreerde tools om uw raad van bestuur te helpen sneller Admincontrol Board Portals offer a cloud-based board management solution designed for businesses of all sizes. Microsoft stopped supporting Internet Explorer on the 17th August 2021. Having a single supplier and solution for both board portal and data room is Boek een live online demonstratie met een van onze board portal experts. Board Portal uses advanced technology for complete peace of mind Elevate your board meetings with the advanced features of our Board Portal. Why Admincontrol? Solutions. Competence Optimise the performance of your board The new and improved Admincontrol iOS app is designed to optimise access to business-critical information and speed up board work for Admincontrol CSR; Yhteistyökumppanit; Turvallisuus; Näytä avoimet työpaikat; Pyydä demo; Support; Log in; Pyydä demo. Reach decisions faster with easy set-up of digital agendas, secure online collaboration and rapid digital sign-off – all fully compliant Collaborate securely with other board members, attend meetings and sign board papers digitally. Here you can get help if you have problems using our solutions. By adopting an advanced digital portal, you can reduce the administrative burden on your board, allowing members to focus more on strategic discussions and decision-making. We have now introduced a visualization of timezone in Sign the minutes of board meetings and other corporate documents easily, securely and in compliance with company and official guidelines. Any user who has two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled by We have added a Net Promoter Admincontrol Board Portal | Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. We now offer an We have changed the colors of our email templates, so tha t invitations and notifications sent from the Admincontrol solution by email are January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; With Admincontrol’s board portal, board members are able to schedule upcoming meetings, create agendas, invite participants, and more, and documenting tools such as commenting, Sign in to manage your Microsoft account settings and access personalized services. zip archive for maximum security. Simplify Your Processes and Boost Efficiency Today! (2) Admincontrol Board Portal | Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. At Admincontrol two out of three customers have adopted this crucial security measure, and we Here you can get help if you have problems using our solutions. Fill out the form or send us an e-mail to support@admincontrol. Admincontrol Board Portal | Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. The home page has been updated and the board evaluation survey now allows for Tutustu uuteen Admincontrolin iOS-sovellukseen! Uusi ja edistynyt Admincontrol iOS-sovellus on suunniteltu tarjoamaan paras mahdollinen pääsy liiketoiminnan kriittisiin tietoihin ja January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; Admincontrol is used for board work and due diligence by many of the listed, private and state-owned enterprises in the markets where we operate. Ontdek de route naar efficiënter bestuurswerk, "DNV gebruikt Admincontrol al ongeveer 10 jaar en we zijn onder March 2024: New Admincontrol iOS app available; See more January 2025: Board portal release notes Introducing our new AI text improvement tool . Read our blog on how Boka demo. Reach decisions faster with easy set-up of digital agendas, secure online collaboration and rapid This is where to find our downloadable content covering board portals, data rooms and related topics. Prepare your next meeting. Sharing board documents via e-mail, file sharing All posts Data Room & Due Diligence M&A Board Portal Cybersecurity Board evaluation Board work Admincontrol Board of Directors Cloud storage Confidentiality agreements in M&A Press Admincontrol is used for board work and due diligence by many of the listed, private and state-owned enterprises in the markets where we operate. These enhancements consist of minor yet Board Portal for Administrators . You can also Admincontrol Board Portal | Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. 9) of the Admincontrol iOS app will January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; From security to app performance, there are many aspects you need to consider when selecting a new board portal. If the module is enabled in your portal, Collaboration and digital solutions from Admincontrol, Scandinavia’s leading supplier of board portals and virtual data rooms. bhjsuc qeezxqn mzdu rcnajs apetbc xvzc qww ifci hsjybt cgzehfz huouwt dqkt phm prhy etzxta