Meiou and taxes fast universalis I simply cannot play any other mod as there's no population system, and to me that bring the nation im playing alive, its people. r/MEIOUandTaxes A chip A close button A chip A close button MEIOU and Taxes is a full conversion Mod for Europa Universalis 4. Brought to you with love by Gigau, Rosth, FireKahuna, Beorsferth, Kjh, Dgl, amukorihSCoffee, Mepper, Mati, Sun Wu, and the rest of the M&T team. 0 Cheat Tools Alpha Release Full Version 41. I installed fast universalis, and turned down all my graphical settings, but it only helped a tiny amount, and the game was basically still unplayable. While eu4 was 32bit it didnt matter how good of a pc you had, the mod would struggle. We are starting a new campaign in Europa Universalis 4, with the MEIOU and Taxes 3. com/watch?v=E8b-s4TGTLk&list=PLpVUxdiS7yw-SQpldu1q0xMEW1mtILh1mThis episode is a setup episode - we go Ming has a unique monarchy form with fixed empire rank and fixed dynasty called the Celestial Empire, reflecting the Chinese belief that a well-governed empire was evidence of divine sanction and blessing, whereas a poorly governed or tyrannical one was evidence that the Emperor could be deposed. I think there's a mod called "fast universalis" that cuts down the visuals to the bare minimum and makes M&T run faster. 29. 75 [-10~0, 35~40] Setsuna Meiou still has a lot of titles and accomplishments under her bejeweled belt, but one thing’s for sure – she’s someone you’d want on your team. 35. Nothing is easy, nothing is cheap, your estates are constantly about to shank you, and your economy is always bleeding due to corruption. I can actually feel like religion exists as an entity in the game, being able to choose between being secularized or being more fanatic about it. Enhance your experience with diverse mods from Paradox Mods, unlocking new possibilities and extending gameplay. 31, this new version of fast Universalis isn't compatible with 1. The submod is The official repository for MEIOU and Taxes v3. Anyone could point me to a font mod compatible with MEIOU 2. Status. (Edit - more explanation for lurkers: MEIOU&Taxes doesn't let you core provinces with positive unrest, and adds unrest for being distant from the capital. This is a ROUGH start, so we may We are starting a new campaign in Europa Universalis 4, with the MEIOU and Taxes 3. Feel free to like and subscribe, comment if you want specific guides for countries or more details about mechanics :) A introduction into the MEIOU and Taxes MEIOU and Taxes brings several things to the table, including new provinces/nations, a revamped trading system, overhauled graphics, and much more. These essential articles will then be trimmed down and packaged into events for an in-game manual accessible as a decision. 0 mod and Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Graphical Mod (I made it work Welcome to the new let's play and let's hope that this is the last playthrough on MEIOU & Taxes 2. All estates will now have a more open influence on your country, as well as their own interests. (last updated: 2. It is computed as follows: = (+) (+ +) Therefore, for example, if base manpower is 1,000 and the local manpower modifiers added up to say +100%, and national manpower modifers add up to +50% and local autonomy say 77%, then the calculation would be: Fair warning, if you haven't played M&T v2 before it's pretty radically different and a whole lot of stuff to pick up on MEIOU and Taxes was born from the merging of two EUIII mods, MEIOU and Death & Taxes. Idk where to get it tho, try googling. Food: 0. This is the Estates screen, where you can see Powerbroker Power, Loyalty, as well as Bureaucratic corruption, this is the screen where reforms are carried out and privilieges are revoked! Might make a quick game as England or something else 'safe' to get a hand on the mechanics, but my first "real" game will be Mali. MEIOU and Taxes v3. Aug 19, 2017 @ 3:16am meiou and taxes buildings! i am new to this game. Check out the mod's wiki page for a full list of Welcome to MEIOU and Taxes, the quintessential overhaul mod for EUIV v. Speaking of which, in M&T you don't get cultures accepted so easily and you also cannot diplo vassalize. v3. A MEIOU and Death and Taxes joint venture for Europa Universalis IV Activity. equinox1911 Aug 19, 2017 @ 3:31am Meiou and Taxes takes everything and cranks it up to 11. English. patreo Province manpower is the amount of soldiers each province contributes to the national manpower maximum. MEIOU and Taxes mod has been on my radar for a while, but outside of the quick dabble I've never properly sat down and tried to play through. Loading the game. But no, no lite version of this mod. It's taking me over 5 minutes a year. Updated GPU's drivers Updated CPU's drivers. Discover, download and share mods on Paradox Mods to elevate the experience of your favorite games from Paradox Interactive, such as Cities: Skylines II, Hearts of Iron 4 and Crusader Consider this an impromptu follow-up to my previous post giving some quick advice about the various systems we've been grappling with in MEIOU and Taxes, this time centering principally around Taxes. 2 forks. paradoxplaza. g. 7GHz. < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . Any suggestions? A subreddit for the epic full conversion mod, MEIOU and taxes. That being said, having Simple Water or Fast Universalis enabled make the mod run much faster. Steam workshop. With pops, new buildings and an overhaul of almost every game system this I am trying to go back for a game with MEIOU 2. Meiou 3. 6/EU4 1. 03 for EUIV v1. But when I play this mod I have 8-9 vassals, small army, low morale compared to the surrounding nations and I'm not able to annex them because I need to do something. Step by step 3. Best Turn-Based Strategy Games On The Nintendo Switch, Ranked 15 Most Hardcore Grand Strategy Games Ever, Ranked 2:31. Idk if you still care but MEIOU adds a level of granularity and simulation experience not available in the base game. 0 > Discussions . Major Overhaul. 4 Created by. 0 mod! This mod has been one of my favorite for a long time. If it's still laggy, lower the resolution. 0 Cheat Tools (M3CT) by Zaleesh. Money is tighter and matters a lot more in M&T than in vanilla. Exceptions include the tribal Today I'd like to talk some about the biggest mod in EU4, Meiou and taxes, what I think is good about it, and what I find less amusing about it. Members Browse Europa Universalis IV files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. 27 Steam Workshop: Europa Universalis IV. Did you try looking there? MEIOU V5. OP uses fast universal with Meiou & Taxes to make it go faster. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Who's up for version 3. For further information, please see the individual pages. Devent Submod i do also see that everyone is going burocratic while it is more decent for some countries like for example england needing a good burocracy for certain missions due to their parliament it is counterproductive for example muscovy, i am currently in 1450 and the centralization is causing too much unrest to be useful, furthermore in Meiou and taxes MEIOU and Taxes makes use of the Government Reforms feature to permit maximum realistic customisation of country governments. An expansive map mod for MEIOU and Taxes v3. 60. Note:This early draft, please expand and re-write Institutions are fundamental advances in civilization and are the primary determinant of technology cost. re-upload - Fifteen-hundred new provinces and counting, as well as new nations. It adds enorm The download links at the paradoxplaza forum work just fine. Estates play an expanded role compared to vanilla EU4. With Mandate of Heaven, the Celestial Empire represents Ming Welcome one and all to the new let's play of Europa Universalis IV with the MEIOU and Taxes 3. Check Out and follow up on Neaples Steam Workshop: Europa Universalis IV. 52. Unsubscribe Description. However, the mod would be enhanced significantly with some proper . Almost every aspect of the game has been either reworked or completely redone. 5. mullen. M&T Government Reforms do not include Europa Universalis 4. A MEIOU and Death and Taxes joint venture for Europa Universalis IV - gigau/MEIOUandTaxes. Stars. The problem is, fonts in the basic are a little bit too small. The submod is intended for expert users and developers, since it can seriously ruin a progressing game. On top of that, I also use the Continent deletion tool. UPDATED FOR 1. 0 attempting to introduce some very much needed alt-history features, and re-implement and re-imagine Dharper's fantasy scenarios as they were present in Meiou & Taxes 2. Fast Universalis updated to 1. OP thus asks if there is a mod similar to fast universalis that is compatible with 1. The initial purpose of this mod was to build a map for Crusader Kings – Europa Universalis III conversion, so that the maps would be equivalent. If you'd like to claim a topic post in the forum thread and I'll make a note on the outline. MEIOU and Taxes is a total conversion Welcome to MEIOU and Taxes! Here's some quick tips to get you started. Less than a day a second, spends about 30 seconds autosaving at the end of every year. Go to the workshop and check out a mod called fast universalis. I tried 'better font mod' but the last version crash the game. Check us out on Steam: https://steamcommunity. Paradox Mods. Watchers. Death & Taxes 10. Game modification: MEIOU and Taxes. For the modding term, see effects. And revolts don't give -100 unrest any more. The team over there have developed a way to simulated population mechanics with EU4's engine and it somehow manages to run a bit faster according to them. The effects they can have on your country can vary depending on their power, from issuing demands to giving bribes and gifts, as well as causing The MEIOU and Taxes mod has been updated for compatibility with the Spain patch! One of the largest overhaul mods in the history of EU4 is now fully available to use with the most updated version of the game! Are you talking about the MEIOU and Taxes 1. Install Fast Universalis. 0! I recommend starting off by reading the beginner's guide. You can let it apply for all your provinces, or you can limit it to the ones you've selected (with decision 107) or to non-oversea provinces (so that you can levy different taxes on MEIOU and Taxes was born from the merging of two EUIII mods, MEIOU and Death & Taxes. Skip to content. 91kb Extended Timeline v1. Forks. 5 Meiou and taxes 3. Is the problem that fast universalis isn't compatible with the EU4 version? If so, you can go into the descriptor file and edit what EU4 version the fast MEIOU and Taxes For me, playing Ironman with achievements goal is still a big plus when deciding who and how to play. Restore Rome in all its If you haven't noticed, the mod MEIOU & Taxes has been quietly developing a major overhaul. 3 stars. When you start to unfuck your government structures, Welcome to MEIOU and Taxes 3. Close all other applications or windows (like chrome and more) when playing meiou and taxes. However, during the process, it appeared that the map so way off, that gigau slowly redesigned the map completely, with the great help of forumers in the MEIOU thread. You can see Hungary which should have a bunch of marsh lands with 2-3 base tax, they will have 8-9 in M&T. Playlist of the let's play: https://www. e. Downloads - Europa Universalis IV. Religion. Most possible combinations of mechanics are available and all countries begin with every tier unlocked, but changing reforms is a more difficult and complicated task than in vanilla. ) No coring the colonies means no getting colonial nations that way, which I A subreddit for the epic full conversion mod, MEIOU and taxes. The submod is intended for expert users and developers, since it can seriously ruin a progressing game From Europa Universalis 4 Wiki. 本文作为知乎上第一个关于 Meiou and Taxes 这一传奇欧陆风云4MOD的专栏『MT相關』的文章,旨在介绍MT这个MOD的独特魅力。 当然由于我对MT可能还不够熟悉,可能有一些MT的闪光点我还未能介绍到。尽管如此,希望我的这篇文章能为知乎上各位P社玩家打开通往新世界的大门。 A subreddit for the epic full conversion mod, MEIOU and taxes. MEIOU and Taxes is a total conversion Europa Universalis IV > Workshop > [M&T] Gigau's Workshop > MEIOU and Taxes v3. In this video I review MEIOU & Taxes. Popular Discussions View All (35) 5 Apr 30, 2021 Welcome to MEIOU and Taxes, the quintessential overhaul mod for EUIV v. Reforms and Privileges are an essential part of both characterizing and forming your state structures in MEIOU and Taxes 3. "This is present from the start in almost all the Old World. Report repository Releases. Faster Universalis Reply thewalkingfred • Additional comment actions. Author(s) Gigau and the M&T team. It adds enormous amounts of detail and simul Let's play MEIOU and Taxes in Europa Universalis 4! We shall begin as the Empire of the Romans at a watershed moment in their history. * Forum. I think Welcome to a new let's play of Europa Universalis IV with MEIOU and Taxes. Go to Meiou&Taxes subforum on paradox forum page, I think that those teasers are pinned on the top Europa Universalis, Imperator: Rome, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria and Cities: Skylines. "development" as some-abstraction-of-a-region's value is replaced with various metrics like population (which changes dynamically according to a multitude of real-life factors) and urban development A timelapse of me forming Persia and building an empire in the Europa Universalis 4 mod Meiou and Taxes 2. patreon The new youtube uploader is pretty un-friendly so this description will always be the same from now on! If I'm using a modpack or something else that you mig Browse Meiou 3. This mod has been formed by the conversion and merger of two major EUIII mods: MEIOU, and Death & Taxes. If not, delete them. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Thanks for downloading our Fast universalis works, yes. If all else fails, play windowed and make the window as small as possible. kernerler. Barney. Reply reply Noayyyh • My biggest fantasy is meiou and taxes somehow becoming it's own game free of the engine limitations of eu4 and whatnot, but that will probably never happen Any way to make Meiou run faster? Its a cool mod, but I wish I could get it to run faster. 3 watching. I discuss the main features, how they change the EU4's atmosphere, and how I think they make the game better and worse. . Containing 4000+ provinces to conquer and tax, as well as numerous new mechanics to flesh out your EU4 experience. Meiou and taxes 3. You also may just need to get used to a bit slower performance, I think meiou and taxes still makes for a unique enough experience that it's well worthwhile. Europa Universalis IV. - MEIOU-and-Taxes/MEIOUandTaxes Dive into grand strategy with Europa Universalis IV (4), a captivating game by Paradox Interactive. Not the MEIOU and Taxes provides a much better experience than in the vanilla game with the introduction of an overhauled map, dynamic province development, plus communication efficiency mechanics. I am showing the general idea and playstyle of the Mod. Did all windows updates. MEIOU was created by Gigau in January 2007. 29 but get a bug for all the Welcome to the Wiki page of MEIOU and Taxes. My campaign came at an end, having played as Cuzco and unified the entirety of the Peru region only now to be wrought with frustration and arbitrary limitations. 6 in the past. Games. No releases published. c We are coming back to EU4! We are going to attempt a game as Brandenburg, with a goal of forming Prussia/The German Empire. MEIOU and Taxes was born from the merging of two EUIII mods, MEIOU and Death & Taxes. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of world history and shape your own destiny. Figured I'd come back and try out ole reliable, EU4 and the MEIOU & Taxes mod! Going to try another nation that I have never played before, The Teutonic Orde Fast Universalis. 0 Cheat Tools is a submod providing some degree of testing tools to Meiou & Taxes 3. 6. Log in. or province with sea salt production and saltmarsh or supersalt flag . Opening with the economics idea group is something you'd rarely do in vanilla, but it's good here (and sometimes it's worth discarding your starting idea group). For example in meiou and taxes you have the estate that is much more antagonistic and they already start with privilege that generally weaken the realm and you want to shift the land management into bureacratic and cut much of the privilege to centralize and strengten the realm. May 21, 2020 @ 1:20pm MEIOU and Taxes Hello, I'm playing as Castile in this mod and it's currently 1387 and I'm a long way from colonization but I was wondering how do I From Europa Universalis 4 Wiki. This article is accurate for the latest versions of EU3, +10% tax in national focus province 9473 University built in capital 5022 Rush of colonists From Europa Universalis 4 Wiki. This mod has been one of my favorite for a long time. Game © Paradox Interactive AB www. The pure fun of the game is also still a major factor, but the occasional realisation that I've tried a bit of everything and there is not so many surprises left, and that managing big empire in vanilla is not that hard is The new youtube uploader is pretty un-friendly so this description will always be the same from now on! If I'm using a modpack or something else that you mig A subreddit for the epic full conversion mod, MEIOU and taxes. This last fix might be a placebo, but some users claim that it helped their performance. It still chunks pretty hard if I try to run it at speed 5. As I give you a crash course on the history, all that remains to be said is this:Wa The first part of a two part timelapse of me playing as the Yue Dynasty of China in the Europa Universalis 4 mod Meiou and Taxes. 0, the EU4 development Europa Universalis IV. The screen frequently freezes. It removes all the unit animations and speeds things up a little did you even read their post? I read the first sentence. Reply reply Europa Universalis is the OG Paradox game, and has mostly remained the exact same concept of game with mostly similar takes for everything each game. Thanks for downloading our mod, whether you've played the Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Europa Universalis IV. 0, thoughts on Expeditions and Commercialization. That literally clears entire continents of nations and as a result it dramatically speeds up the game. Institutions in M&T work similar to how they did in vanilla but with a much slower spread and reworked embrace requirments. Cannot read property 'actions' of undefined. They're compatible. All games (3,524) Recently added (76) Why don’t you give us a quick intro to yourself Of course, it is a matter of taste, but speed 5 is not always needed. In M&T 2. 0. It adds over a thousand new provinces and hundreds of new nations to conquer and tax. 0 Cheat Tools Aug 11 2024 Released Dec 2023 Grand Strategy Meiou 3. Description Discussions 40 Comments 756 Change Notes - Rewrite AI-Tax - Rework the Tax-delegator to work on a 0 to 100 scale - Replace Delegator Algorithm; should handle excessive mana shares far better than the old system, also comment it more From Europa Universalis 3 Wiki. (the current Estate system of Eu4 is actually like a VERY VERY VERY simple version of the MEIOU estate system, so that change shouldn't be nearly as big of a leap as it used This page deals with commands used in the console. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews MEIOU and Taxes v2. Subscribed. Subscribe. Members Online Paradox-ical_Major Common Universalis scratches the itch while being fast but is not as deep. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Fantasy Scenarios Reborn (FSR) is a submod for Meiou & Taxes 3. Press the up or The estates are factions within the nation that influence domestic politics. 0 Under Development A complete overhaul for Europa Universallis IV, featuring an extended and more detailed map, a real economy, political simulation, multiple new mechanics and systems built upon an earlier Steam Workshop: Europa Universalis IV. 0, focusing on reworking Anatolia, the Balkans, the North and South Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Scandanavia, the Levant, Iran, Siberia, Manchuria, Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Arabia, North Africa and the Greater Steppe with more detailed province layouts, new tags, mechanics and more. com/forum/threads/m-t-download-thread-version-3-0-open-alpha-post-bug-reports-here. Europa Universalis IV > General Discussions > Topic Details. Install fast universalis mod, it would help reduce the lag somewhat. Death and Taxes was created by Lukew in 2011. Industry Supplied Goods Demanded Goods Labour and Property Type Nomadism in province with rock salt production and supersalt flag . Welcome to MEIOU and Taxes, the quintessential overhaul mod for EUIV v. Patreon: https://www. 06) This page will briefly introduce the main concepts connected to development and population dynamics. Missing: yunwms , xom Welp, did an AV scan, and no virusses/malware/etc. This mod has been formed by the merger of two major EUIII mods: MEIOU created in 2007, and Death & Taxes created in 2011, following the announcement of Europa MEIOU and Taxes v3. 0 is a little too much for me, and I already played and enjoyed 2. Europa Universalis 4 close Clear game filter. Discussions in the MEIOU thread, and MEIOU and Taxes was born from the merging of two EUIII mods, MEIOU and Death & Taxes. Welcome to MEIOU and Taxes, a EUIV total conversion mod brought to you by Lukew, Gigau, Demian, DHarper, Sun Wu, Malorn and the M&T team. v2. x to 2. when you expand too far/fast and always gives you something to do. 25. One thing that helps is running the Fast Universalis mod alongside M&T. Honestly i would love love Meiou and taxes without the horrific ui and the horrible performance. Hopping back in good ole EU4 with the MEIOU and Taxes mod. 1. Welcome to MEIOU and Taxes, a EUIV total conversion mod brought to you by Lukew, Gigau, Demian, DHarper, Sun Wu, Malorn and the M&T team. If I'm playing some poor small nation, I usually MEIOU and Taxes was born from the merging of two EUIII mods, MEIOU and Death & Taxes. To run the Continent deletion tools: Go to this Justice_Fighter thread. Hey on my opinion there are three great mods for EU4: 1st meiou ; 2nd Common Universalis ; 3rd Verita et Fortitudo. Meiou & Taxes 3. Well, taking my Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly MEIOU and Taxes is a fantastic mod that brings untold depth and complexity to EU4. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews MEIOU and Taxes is the mod for me. But even then, performance is bad. Either they will conti Гистограмма просмотров видео «Eu4: Meiou And Taxes 2. ALL DLCs ARE SUPPORTED Fast "Fog of War" and Snow effects; Units Welcome to MEIOU and Taxes, the quintessential overhaul mod for EUIV v. This is because provinces have reworked tax values, and almost everywhere is high tax except for total shit lands. Description Discussions 40 Comments 758 Change Notes. I have realized that the water of Fast Universalis does indeed considerably improve performance. Games . When I'm playing with the normal game I have no problem of course. com/sha The new youtube uploader is pretty un-friendly so this description will always be the same from now on! If I'm using a modpack or something else that you mig Introduction. 0, a complete overhaul for Europa Universalis IV set in 1356. Type. When you start to unfuck your government structures, everyone gets mad and your stability goes to hell. 0 for EUIV v1. 0 is my favorite EU4. jonolsson Online See all 123 collections (some may be hidden) 25,197: Unique Visitors: 6,517: Current Subscribers: 469: Current Favorites: Meiou 3. It adds enorm The second part of a two part timelapse of me playing as the Yue Dynasty of China in the Europa Universalis 4 mod Meiou and Taxes. The first priority is to get the fundamental changes presentable to users switching from 1. That helps an additional bit. youtube. 1494 Steam Workshop: Europa Universalis IV. Related. This page lists the codes which may be input into the Console Window, a special debugging window which may be accessed on non-ironman games by pressing ⇧Shift+2, Alt+2+1, ⇧Shift+3,§, ~, ^, °, ², or ` (key varies based on keyboard layout). Popular Discussions View All (35) 5 Apr 30, 2021 Europa Universalis IV > General Discussions > Topic Details. I've downgraded back to 1. Forum. - Medieval Universalis by Tunch Khan - Lex Talonius II by jnt. These efficiency changes will force you to build better roads and ports, as you’ll really need to think about how you’re expanding. In the previous post when I brought up the Delegation of Taxes and The Auto-Investor, I mentioned that I personally thought that using it was a I just upgraded from a skylake to a new 8700k, overclocked to 4. You can also google on how to disable water animations, on top of fast universalis. Explore historical accuracy, diplomacy, and warfare. 0? This time - Bohemia. what province improvements should i build first? i need to have alot of cash. meiou and taxes 3. 0 Cheat Tools mod for Europa Universalis IV files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. 1. Link. Thanks for downloading our mod, whether you've played the m Browse 14 mods for Europa Universalis 4 at Nexus Mods. 0, Dev Video 6: New Buildings» в сравнении с последними загруженными видео. Hello guest register or sign in . I used it to counter a save file bug that the mod was creating. Additionally, population ties in with every other system, so not every interaction falls under this Hub; wealth, disasters and looting are particularly relevant. EU4 is still running slowly. I recommend A subreddit for the epic full conversion mod, MEIOU and taxes. 01 - download the mod here: https://forum. MEIOU and Taxes is a total conversion To be fair trying to balance the estate seems to be tricky. 37. I'd be running the fast universalis mod, it helps quite a lot. From there, hopefully this can expand to document and explain all of A subreddit for the epic full conversion mod, MEIOU and taxes. 19 mod? Because my question was about that as you can see. 29 and doesn't work well. MEIOU and Taxes is an Europa Universalis IV total conversion created to enhance its experience. Thanks for downloading our mod, whether you've played the m To help keep the monarch points costs of raising taxes under control Delegate Tax Code allows you to set a maximum amount to be spent per kind of monarch points. If you combine it with Fast Universalis, it's quite a lot faster. This version currently Lower the graphics like turn off trees, rivers, particles etc etc. Paradox sub-forum. Brought to you with love by Gigau, FireKahuna, Beorsferth, Kjh, Dgl, amukorihSCoffee, I was under the impression that M&T and Fast Universalis were compatible with each other. Personally, I prefer M&T, but I would give a try Europa Universalis IV. I may be misremembering, but I believe both used to work together until later updates. 3. x? Thank you in MEIOU & Taxes is a complete overhaul mod for Paradox Interactive's strategy game, Europa Universalis IV. What started off as a “simple” map mod for CK-EUII-Vicky mega-campaigns quickly grew to be a content extension mod adding flavour to EUIII. Loading the game is going to take a long time, just like the January 1 calculations each year are going to take a long time. For those of you who would like a more complex and challenging experience. Want to join the discussion? Paradox Interactive, Europa Universalis, then save the contents of this folder if you care about them. *. If you have a powerful cpu MEOUI and Taxes is playable. MEIOU and Taxes. To answer OP's question, I am biased, being a dev in M&T, so I would say that I like our mod better, lol, but frankly, just test both and choose that you like the most. Perhaps I should have read more #4 < > Showing 1-4 of Figured I'd come back and try out ole reliable, EU4 and the MEIOU & Taxes mod! Going to try another nation that I have never played before, The Teutonic Orde Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. nru aozfjtg aikyz nbpdh jklvxwm kuylo iei gfflp rzztb cyrosm ulnc cco wkge kwuxlv azyyo