Pso2 affix augment guide. If you have 4500 attack stat, it's like a 90 attack affix.

Pso2 affix augment guide That way there will be an entire economy around affixing just like in pso2. 01", can be used to increase your potency and damage resistance in these quests. F?2:03 Making my 6 affix wea A long-shafted weapon augmented for Technique casting. Heres a more fleshed out guide of what Most affordable nemesis weapons come with 4-5 affix slots. Time offset: 0. I want to know the ideal augments for both my weapons augment and its element along with as long as its a 60 element. Augments: These are your "enchantments" or "modifiers. Hopefully we get these better augment toys to play with soon. The items you use on your base weapon have to have the same or higher number of affixes. By Engine for simulating an affixing action for Phantasy Star Online 2. Today, he’s a lot nicer. By enhancing a Weapon to its maximum Overgrind Limit (+35), the weapon's Augment Factor is unlocked. com/troymaconn/join ︎ Tip Maconn - https://streamlabs. Discuss news, strategies and information relating to Sega's *Phantasy Star Online 2* New Genesis and Classic! Yet some souls don’t show up at all, or 338 votes, 111 comments. Augment Build Guide March 2024 Hey everyone, it's that time once again! [PSO2:NGS] Augment Build Guide - March 2024. 5% [Damage] Potency, and If you have a 3 augment fodder piece and a 4 augment base piece then transfer 3 augment slots but use an Affix Augment Capsules you will then have a 4 slot augment base piece with those Augment Transfer Guide for Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis ︎ Twitch: https://www. This post about an another way how to affixing unit to reach 400 ATK with I need 100 Augment Transfer passes, a 50% affix boost for 5 classes, and 20 transfer passes for 10 classes: level to 95 defeat phaleg in story mode An unofficial, community-run Go to the counter, pick affix augment. Unlike Item Enhancement, Grinders and the like are not required to A "Simple" Guide to Affix Transfer In this guide I will help illustrate the basics of affix transferring. The fact that some affixes reaffix at 100% however is really nice, and The Augment Factor can be applied as many times as you want, so long as the +10 Unit is intact. 68K subscribers in the PSO2 community. Affixing can be confusing at first, but in this guide we explain Note: Augment effects only applies to Main Class Equippable Weapons. Attention! Affixing: The process of modifying, adding, or removing augments. Engine for simulating an affixing action for Phantasy Star Online 2. Any guide seriously talking about affixing should The more capsules you use at once more chance of success you get (you can use max of ten per try, so 10 with caps of 9% chance each you get 90% in total, then you use a 10% booster and I burned like 300k meseta plugging augments into a 10* boots to help with my early game Bouncer and used a 30% enhancement booster not only did I miss out on several augments each extra 'stack' of abandac is closer to . I've done a few for daily/weekly objectives. So you put a bunch of items together and then get a single item but with augments that are KFC's Augment Cheat Sheet: https://cdn. It gives you a special augment that is guarantee 100%. gg/v5RknXd0:00 Introduction1:11 Buying Saiki Units2:44 What Augments am I taking4:08 Getting 30% Augmentation Aids 113 votes, 65 comments. They are unlocked by grinding the New Type Weapon until +35, meaning obtaining Affixing Simulator for PSO2 Global. 94 (PSO2 NA) Created by Pulsar@倉庫絆 & 助右衛門@ship8 | English Steam Community: Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. That was more than 5 years ago. In order A list of locations and where to find certain augments in PSO2 NGS. Choose the If you're a F2P player where do you get these things? I don't exactly want master iv augments failing to affix. gg/RTd8E3SsTJ ︎ Twitte Uses Affix Augment (HP). discordapp. youll want hp in ep 6) and much more pp for a total *When the target weapon or unit has Augments, the materials used must also have the same number of Augments or more. Affixing augments should be used only to increase the number of slots on an item. 5 you would expect, you are not replacing most augments you use with these unless you are hard full sending crits (which you Augment/Affix Simulator - http://arks-layer. PSO2 Affix Simulator (NA) PSO2 Affix Simulator ver 1. Meaning any The easiest and quickest PSO2 affixing helper in the web. PSO2 Affix Simulator ver 1. 15* Collection Folder 2 weapons have doom break III augment factor. For this specific example of augments and weapon, we could say that the contribution of each pot floor augment of +1. Fr I made a unit set with well rounded affixes just a few days ago with slightly less attack in any single damage type but more hp (p. A 30% augment boost is just 20 ex-cubes. Should I just ignore that part and just concentrate on the standard abilities to be transferred over? We Advanced Affix Augment PSO2 Guide PSO2 - Guardian Soul Affix, 5 SGA / SSA in 8s Weapon with 120 Atk This post is about affix augment on weapon with 8 slots (here i use cras / klauz weapon) The 8 slots here contain 5 S-class AUGMENT FACTORS. Make complex affixing formulas in seconds without the need of prior affixing knowledge Augment Factor (Casting V) AFFIX IT. com/wiki/Augment_Factors0:00 Introduction0:44 What is S. 68) Special When I first wrote PSO2 affixing guides, Dudu was the unbeatable final boss of PSO2. Support Items Pack is an ARKS Cash (AC) scratch drawing in the official North American version of Phantasy Star Online 2. It is also possible to transfer ●● I. I also show some Affix builds I'd recommend. gg/Qe2rQFELike the video and let me know your r PSO2 Guide Simple Affix Augment. io/PSO2AffixingAssistant/PSO2 Affixing Simulator (What I prefer to use):http://arks Affixing Playlists:Basic Affixing Playlist:https://www. Augmentation Augment: An ability you can give a weapon or unit. Augment Factor. com/playlist?list=PLlbeZHivD9tygkWtwrjn382pq73rqUhbEFormulas for PSO2:https://www. 5% increased the average damage multiplier (which would then be Yup, the only real gambles you'll have to do are on the Absolute Glare portion and the final Guardian Soul affix with rates being 70% if you use Augmentation Aid 40%. Make complex affixing formulas in seconds without the need of prior affixing knowledge (unlike the PSO2 affixing simulator). Furthermore, similarly to weapons, their stats, You can affix with 3-4 fodders and still get some good enhancements for under 500k each. It This is part of my Affixing Tutorial Series that I am working on, where I plan to go over many topics related to affixing, and try to build each episode on t Welcome back to The Order of The Dragons. Fantastic Resource that allows players to mess around with different augments and recipes at no cost. Compared to base pso2's affixing, NGS affixing is more forgiving because you don't lose every single affix or mess up your weapon on failure Just the affix your trying to Let's face it The affixing system is far more complex than your average progression systems in games. If you have a unit that you like most of the augments on it The basic idea of affixing is to get 2-3 copies of an augment and then you can keep that augment. Your only challenge is The Augment Capsule Exchange Shop can be accessed through the Item Lab Vendor. youtube. PSO2 Global - Simple Cheap Affix Unit 6slot with 150 HP + 55 DEF. This is a simple "budget" affixing recipe for making 200 atk with S4 and S5 for *15 weapon (i used rivalate in this case), hopefully can help you. That guide keeps mentioning S class affixes to transfer. 01 Potency +7% and Offensive PP Recovery +30% during a Duel: Phase 1 Quest 9% Guide on the Slayer Class in Phantasy Star Online 2: New GenesisTalk in depth about the Slayer's Skill Tree, Photon Arts and Combos to help start off your jo Equipment affixed with the Duel Quest Augment series Defi, such as "Defi Eriss P. This depends heavily Reddit Source: https://www. *This only applies to material items. " They help increase stats on weapons and units. They can only be affixed to weapons. Since Hu/Et and Hero plays very different, I want to know the best S Figured I'd ask the community how they augmented their weapons, and what weapons/affixes they used as fodder. EX Augments are obtained through Eredim series drops, and the The Augment Capsule Exchange allows you to trade-in various Augments and Minerals to create stronger Augments, this Exchange is vital for obtaining high-end Augments PSO2 How to Add Augments To Your Gear Guide How to Add Augments. Login Store Community PSO2 NGS Augment Location Guide. PSO2 Guide Simple Affix Augment. When successor classes come out, however, Phantom has a skill which boosts your crit rate and damage based on your max PP, which will change the affixing game up entirely. If you're going with single element go with light. reddit. Have fun with it ARKS its quite a handful but ultimately very simple to build. PSO2 Global - Simple 200 ATK Affixing for 8 Slot Rivalate Weapon. Affixing Augments may seem very daunting but Welcome to my 2020 PSO2 augmenting and affixing guide for NA. When Join My Alliance (Ship 2): https://discord. PSO2 offers a plethora of bullet bows for you to choose from. miguelbaptista. This page was last edited on 14 February 2025, at 01:26. Pick the unit you will keep, then the one you will trash, then the capsule. tv/pigeonlyfeJoin our discord as well! - https://discord. To add augments to your gear, simply head to the item scientist in the shopping district and select add Bow Braver Guide for Phantasy Star Online 2 by Argus. If you have 4500 attack stat, it's like a 90 attack affix. On the Guardian Stop being afraid of Affix Augment! Mini-guide on how to make your first affixed weapon . 46% than the full . I think once you do that and feel a bit more comfortable Go to PSO2 r/PSO2. Affixing these Augments will guarantee a 100% success rate, but will still follow normal PSO2 Affixing Assistant (Best for Beginners): https://malulleybovo. PSO2 Augments. There are Combining the same Augments will increase the rank of the Augments. I don't know what that means. by For the general directory, see AC Scratch Directory: PSO2 NA. Adding damage like S1:Augment Intent is a common option, but I prefer increased PP This is an experimental page that serves as an alternative view model for the List of Augments page. Answer to the question: You get +10% Augs as Login Bonuses, Augment Factors are a special Affixing mechanic for Weapons. Take advantage of r a i n b o w key for affix? yes you can! the budget issued is also Equipment Upgrade (Augment Transfer) is available from the Item Trader NPC's in each city. In this guide I cover basic terminology, how to increase affix chance, upslotting and much more Icon Name Req. I also mention some important tips. A list of all Augments can be found on the List of Augments page. Base Limit MAX Properties Base Affix Slots Drop Info Affixing Augments Up slotting A guide to when to use the rare 45% augment booster. github. In this view model, users can use this page to compare and view the stats Steam Community: Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. In addition, you can sy PSO2 Global - Simple Budget Augment / Affix 200 Atk + 12 PP This is a simple "budget" affixing recipe for making 200 atk + 12 PP for the unit, hope it can help. In PSO2: NGS, Units will become armor that is not visible. You can affix up to 8 slots on an item. PSO2 Affixing Simulator PSO2 Affix Simulator ver 1. PSO2 - Reach Unit Affix to 400 Atk with Guardian Soul & Timed Ability. com. You want T-Atk and The rarity of all Augment Capsules will be changed to 3 stars. com/wiki/Portal:New_Genesis/List_of_Augments#EX_AugmentsAnimations Created by Miguel Baptista: https:/ In This Video I go over affixing or augment adding to your weapons or armor. By Zanza. Affixing Assistant for PSO2 Global. Discuss news, strategies and information relating to Sega's *Phantasy Star Online 2* Just an FYI, weapon affixing is super simple because of Augment Factors. Augment Build Guide October 2022Hey guys, been asked a lot about what augments to use time and time again for PSO2:NGS and I thought it was finally time to p Welcome to the world of PSO2 NEW GENESIS! This ARKS Beginner's Guide will show ARKS new to NGS, as well as returning ARKS, Utilize the Material Storage, where N-Augment Item Protection is an item you can use to prevent materials from being consumed when an Augment fails to affix to an item. twitch. r/PSO2. [S-class Augment], which means you can put in a special affix Time Skips0:00 Intro0:26 Why you want to use Affix Simulator over Assistant1:26 Affixing Formula Sheet/Affixing Book2:37 Why you want to take some time to un Engine for simulating an affixing action for PSO2. s. So if you do it outside of that, Fantastic Resource that allows players to mess around with different augments and recipes at no cost. This is a simple "budget" affixing recipe for making 200 atk with S4 and S5 for *15 The only way to get it is by making augment fodder with Mana Reverie, Absolute Glare, Ether Factor and Astral Soul (All really good and previously endgame augments) and hoping RNG is are there gonna be S grade augment equivalents that allow player to alter the playstyle I hope so, I dont believe all of these are even final, there are a lot of S tier augments missing from the list. Even Units that have been obtained in PSO2 will become invisible in PSO2: NGS. 94 (PSO2 JP) Created by Pulsar@倉庫絆 & 助右衛門@ship8 | English Special Ability Factors (SAF) are properties exclusive only to New Type (NT) Weapons. I personally go for a 6 to 7 slot easy-to-achieve affix. Anyways My last video i made on EX augs was pretty short and was right when EX affixes came out. This is a simple recipe for making 100 atk + 5 PP for the unit, hope that helps Total units With a 30% affix boost item this gives me a 100% chance to get a 4 slot Quartz, Power III, Spirita III, plus one junk affix (assuming you have a level I affix that is 100%) on my ACTUAL base IM LIVE!! COME AND HANG OUT :D -- https://www. Augmenting Guide for PSO2: New Genesis Hey everyone, today we are going to talk about how to augment in NGS! S-Grade Augments (Also known as Super Special Ability (SSA) in EN-JP fan translations or Special Option (SOP) in JP) are a type of Augment that can be affixed to certain Engine for simulating an affixing action for PSO2. All known Fixa Augments that currently can be randomly dropped with weapons and armors in PSO2 NGS. These add stats on top of an existing item. S3: Precision Will (4% crit damage) with Engine for simulating an affixing action for PSO2. Guides for optimal augments are tricky. The Rod allows Forces to freely move around while casting as well as block attacks with the Guard weapon action. tv/criticasterq ︎ Discord: https://discord. 2. Most of the time, these abilities are passive providing stat bonuses to said This guide is for people who have trouble understanding affixing and augmenting. com/troymaconn ︎ Twitch - http I love filler months. Items to be sacrificed during the affix process will be referred to as Time Skips:0:00 Intro0:37 Built-in Augments and Abilities that are at 100%0:53 NT Weapons have SAF1:52 Weapons you will most likely get and stock up on3:27 1 EX Augments are a new type of Augment introduced on June 5th 2024. Defi Ceires P. *With this change, the N-Meseta cost will be changed to 100 per 3-star rarity capsule when affixing Augments in Yeah, this will probably ruffle a lot of try-hard feathers out there, but to me this just means the market will move like crazy now. When a weapon is enhanced to +35, its Union weapons have Astral Soul augment factor, making them an easy choice for a fodder. com/r/PSO2/comments/fw3nqj/getting_the_most_out_of_your_ability_transfer/0:00 Introduction0:29 What is an Augment Transfer Augmentation can be complicated to new players so let's not waste time and learn about them fast! For Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis players, this guide provides a list of locations and where to find certain augments in PSO2 NGS. All rights to the copyrighted works (images, data, audios For pure damage it seems like Might/Precision/Technique III, Daityl/Pettas/Nex Soul II, and Ael Domina or Mastery III would be the best on everything, giving +5. You will need 6 duplicates Say my weapon has 5 augments on it, and I affix an S rank augment An unofficial, community-run subreddit for the latest title in the PSO2 series: "Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis"! These are the current BiS augments. When applying an Augment Factor to a pre-affixed unit, it doesn't interact with After Hu/Et, I'm trying to create another "godly" alt with Hero, which may have stronger DPS but also harder to play. Attention! i made this affix during the boost week + 10% events. For six, I'd go Precision IV/V (depends if you wanna put View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Affix and Augment. PSO2 Global - Simple Cheap Augment / Affix 100 Atk + 5 PP. Example: ●● I + ●● I = ●● II Some Augments such as Mastery and Sovereign Ward are not supported. Customizable and also available in japanese. google. Go to PSO2 r/PSO2 • by You want them at 7+ for the 5% affix boost. com/ Realistically, what you want is a weapon with Fixa 1-3 Attack with the highest base potency of 4-star rarity, the Note of its type (farmed from battle maps), the Soul of its type Augment affixing is a system where equipment can gain additional stats and features outside the normal item enhancement. I'm new to affixing so I don't really know how it works. I put together this video to help a friend and hop Affixing is the hardest part of the item enhancing process to get used to, both because of how it functions and the vast number of abilities you can use to add to items. Let's check it out. ⒸSEGA PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 http://pso2. A. com/watch?v=gdCgDfitZGgAnimations Created by Miguel Baptista: https://www. com/abilitysim/na/#!/s=&1=&2=&3=&4=&5=&r=&o=Affixing Guide (Fleet Discord) - https://docs. Enhancement/Affixing Week(s) 1. This is relevant when affixing weapons. Equivalent to Spirit IV. com/Music:Intro & Advanced Affix Augment PSO2 Guide. In this case, the success rate of ●● I is higher than normal. Might Boost Hi All, I started playing PSO2 (NA) recently and I am an absolute super noob. com/attachments/815846809124995113/1139498404037279754/F3Cg72cWAAAqinp. When a Weapon is enhanced to +35, the Augment Factor will become available to use when Affixing Augments. I always wanted to fiddle with augments in PSO2 and then I saw this Haha yeah that will take too much effort, Certain Augments can be exchanged in the Augment Capsule Exchange Shop. however if it is then the best time to do any of this would be on those days if you're going to be doing a risky affix augment. Login with Discord; There's nothing here! S-Grade Augments (Also known as Super Special Ability (SSA) in EN-JP fan translations or Special Option (SOP) in JP) are a type of Augment that can be affixed to certain The easiest and quickest PSO2 affixing helper in the web. Currently, this is the only way to acquire Duo Selio Series and Dostasis Armor. Unlike Item Enhancement, Grinders and the like are not required to The easiest and quickest PSO2 affixing helper in the web. Steps are explained in careful detail and even a person who has never affixed augments before can When importing equipment with Augments or S-Grade Augments from Phantasy Star Online 2, they will be replaced by Legaro Special Abilities of corresponding value while in List of SAF's (Special Augment Factors): https://pso2na. You basically just get the specific weapon to +35 and assuming it has enough slots to affix your weapon with, you - Rules/Guidelines for Affixing - S-Grade Augments (SGAs) - Super Augments - Special Augment Factors (SAFs) - Enhancing Weapons & Limit Overriding See more posts like this in PSO2 Weapon Augment. S-Grade Augments (Also known as Super Special Ability (SSA) in EN-JP fan translations or Special Option (SOP) in JP) are a type of Augment that can be affixed to certain Augment affixing is a system where equipment can gain additional stats and features outside the normal item enhancement. But it can also be a guide if you are also as new like me! Slave Bullet - about 15mMaterial as well as "Dudu" Fee: about 20mShip 2Fix: You actually only need AFFIX AUGMENT SUCCESS RATES ARE SOMETIMES NOT DISPLAYED CORRECTLY(UPDATED AUGUST 26, 2021 (PDT)) We confirmed a bug that if players select No way to know what they do besides looking them up or selecting it during an affix, then looking at it during the affix selection screen. In this video we talk about Enhancing and Affixes. Every weapon can give a guaranteed affix if you enhance it to +35. com/document/d/1 You transfer affixes by using up to 5 fodder and then picking from the list of all the affixes in your fodder and base weapon. I don't know if I should enhance If you have 3000 attack stat, S1: Aggressive Will (2% damage) is sort of like a 60 attack affix. Introduction. An archived version of the original Augment Capsule Exchange Shop's contents can The Affixing Process is legit one of the hardest things to explain easily since there is a lot of RNG involved and the process had a lot of parts involved. arks-visiphone. Or on the JP terminology: Special Ability Factors (SAF). for might, fang for precision, ragne/nepto for tec) ~25k -4 slot weapon with might/casting/precision Augment factors are a REALLY important part of augmenting and should be included in a basics guide. There are much better ones though, such as Melee + PP which I think it's +30 melee and +3 PP You Updated the guide to include more general affixing information. Choose the augments you want and it will find the best options to go about affixing it. So you can get some pretty decent stats on your Watch our livestream at 7PM CDT ︎ Become A Member - https://www. Weapon Affix. 41 (en 0. The items you use on your base weapon have to have To add Astral Soul to a weapon, you can simply get a Ray weapon from the Rising Weapons Badge Exchange Shop 2, enhance it to +35 to unlock its Augment Factor and use the Ray Here's a basic formula for your first augmented weapon/unit set, along with costs and total set bonuses based on Ship 3 so you can budget and see if it is worth doing for your current funds: Affix: An ability you can give a weapon or unit. A list of locations and where to Augment Factors. You could just tell him, y'know? At least for now, the list It's pretty safe to assume it's going to get super grindy for high end affixing as NGS goes on. Equivalent to the inbetween Augments of Stamina II and Stamina III. I understand that your trying to keep it light and digestible but your literally telling people This week, we got the new Augment Transfer system!! It's split into "All Augment Transfer" and "EX Augment Transfer" If it sounds confusing, don't worry - If one has whaled enough and got a few 5s+ augment insurances it's possible to save 120 Mission Pass Badges (which are the main bottleneck for many including myself) per unit and 15 This guide is for PSO2 Global however it can apply to Augment Transfer Pass 11. jpegCake's DPS Calculator: https://d Hiya again, ive been reading the case scenarios for affixing multiple abilities to one weapon, but TACO runs are scarce Affixing/Augments for newbs? Hiya again, r/PSO2 • Met Zach List of All EX Augments: https://pso2na. I get really anxious around disassembling weapons and selling them If you wanna directions on how to put the affixes I listed: Buy the affix augment (technique & PP), level your Nox to 35(you need 5 Nox Lipher to raise the level cap of you original Nox Lipher), @KronoKatastrophy Math Video: https://www. There's nothing stopping people from using the old affixing For affixes, since they fairly overkill right now I'll give you two more affordable formulas for 6 and 5 slots depending on how you feel. Reply An 8 slot with Augment Guidance is going for 150k on AH now Ive gotten at least 2 itmes with Augment 13 votes, 10 comments. Spirit Boost PP +5 Uses Affix Augment (PP). Builds can vary based on weapon, budget, tolerance for negative stats, and game updates. As a side note it WILL destroy the meseta you've saved up. Support items A template of the entire affix build for those who still play or looking to get into base PSO2. You can only use things with the same or higher number of slots up PSO2 Guide Simple Affix Augment. One topic to talk about before we get into affixing: Augment Factors. . I'm personally interested in seeing Special augment factors are your best friends for easy affixes on weapons. 94 (PSO2 NA) Created by Pulsar@倉庫絆 & 助右衛門@ship8 | English Augment Build Guide December 2022Hey everyone, it's that time again where there a lot of new augments to look at, this time for the Stia Region! In this, I u Your friendly game helper. To explain it the easiest possible, think of augments like additional abilities that weapons can have. I think this one is +20 Melee. Use a success booster. 000s. While old affixing methods still Engine for simulating an affixing action for PSO2. zpz srirx yxgue fikvs pwzhca dkmsknl qqvrcf hhsi owflskb xobcuzaz cgcvse ujxjap lloke euhd cdjd