Short story ideas reddit. Ideas can come from anywhere.

Short story ideas reddit This is not a subreddit for story posts or to ask people to give you story ideas. I could probably write story ideas for like 50 different books, from Sci-Fi to High Fantasy to Low Fantasy to medieval to High Fantasy/Medievalbut I can’t think of one writer that has different book series set in different “themes” like that. " And if something is better, then something else is worse. The time investment for a novel is considerable. In 2015 I tried NaNoWriMo for the first time (successfully completed my novel too) and as a warm up to it to try to get used to doing that much writing I challenged myself to write a short story a day every single day for the month of October. I'll post any short comic ideas that I have for you all to attempt. basically i need to write a short story to display at school before may 25th. A teenage son's rebellion leads to unexpected friends and lessons. It creates a unique tavern that you could build a story around. There are tons more ideas needed. Mostly they are ideas about a story line (novel, novella, short story) and not just a particular character. When students struggle with coming up with ideas for shorts, I always suggest figuring out what good-looking locations they have access to, built í production value. What Is This? • New Here? • Writing Help? The art of the short story (1913) Art in short story narration (1913) A Study Of The Short Story (1913) The short-story, its principles and structure (1907) How to Write a Short Story (1906) The Writing of the Short Story (1902) How to Write a Novel: A Practical Guide to the Art of Fiction (1901)(Has a chapter called THE NOVEL v. It frustrates me when I see people respond to questions like this with quippy cliches that are more about making the commenter feel clever and superior than they are about actually helping a writer write. It's currently 150+ pages. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Whilst story is the most important part of a story, the ideas that you find within science fiction are why it is my favourite genre. Hope some of these help! r/ShortStoryPrompts: Like /r/writingprompts, but better! Rules/guidelines for the sub: 1: Try to keep it simple. So if anyone has any ideas I could use to make this easier I Not OP, but just wanted to thank you for taking the time to give them such a thorough and helpful answer. Tell the story of this castle, this cave, this town, these ruins, this house. I stopped submitting them to magazines because I'm fragile and don't like rejection letters. I often have a starting idea but then I can't stretch it out into a story. Lol. Oh I have an idea for you! What if the mom’s first husband died. If you are thinking of trying to resolve a plot, then you likely have a plot massively too big to fit in a short story. It is also why I spend my time writing up new ideas for r/scificoncepts. But in order to build my portfolio and eventually apply for an MFA one day, I know I need to practice my short story writing. What helped me with writing short stories is keep the obsticle your main has to overcome short and easy, like asking out a friend, passing a class. Tomorrow I am writing my final french exam and it's a short story that revolves around one of the 'seven deadly sins', so LUST, GLUTTONY, GREED, LAZINESS, WRATH, ENVY and PRIDE. There really isn't a dominant strategy to untangle. 1)Title: Gen Z(Drama) -Description: Navigating through adulthood is not easy. Mystery stories are interesting, because they actually require two stories with two different sets of goals and obstacles: . Honestly, I have the exact OPPOSITE problem: I have too many ideas. Short story about a single father who works a second job for a hotline for young people that just need someone to talk to. The author watches and describes the horrifying but beautiful explosion that kills his friend. for example, my last writing piece displayed was about a girl I've had very good experiences with the service. Terribly sad but a gorgeous piece of prose -- anyone happen to know the name? Ideas could be anything from setting, characters, conflict, resolutions, underlying themes, to perspective. Just write it. Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Realize this is an older thread. Good luck! It's tough to just invent a story for you, but I can help a little with method. Need help for horror story ideas . What matters more, is trying ideas out, writing some scenes, doing the minimum amount of work just to taste these little Step two: Type in the following prompt: "I need ideas and brief synopses for 20 very scary horror films of less than 20 minutes in length. One of the best ways to come up with story ideas is to study people. Once you get a basic idea of what kind of story you want, who the characters are, and what motivations drive them, the rest should follow suit. Fiction--not so much. Sure thing! I'd love to see this more fleshed out, if anything a world this big could host many different stories and not just one. i need something gut wrenching, something angsty teens will reasonate with and read with a sense of anticipation. Warner and Graves are the obvious the ones, but Martin and Adams are also not coincidental. For the story, you have the purchase made and all plans made just before the invasion. Some of the notes about particular ideas are a few sentences, while some span several pages with descrptions, plots, and even some dialogue snippets. Mad Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. -Topics: Sensitive topics(eg- insecurity etc. It's a branch off of Escape Pod, a SF short story podcast. If it's written as a short story, you can publish it, add it to your CV, and get a little bit of money. An endless amount of generators for you to pick and choose from to create stories to work off of! No matter what you choose, would love to see what comes of these fantasy short stories of yours! 1, 3 and 4 are definitely some of my favorites. Hi everyone! I don't know if it's the right Here's something I sent via PM to someone else looking for horror story ideas, this for his short movie. It can be a huge strain, having new ideas all the time. **If you aren't sharing your writing, it doesn't belong here. Time travel is one of the most well-loved ideas for writing compelling Sci-Fi short stories. ", is a play on the idea that this has happened before, that our universe might be the second, or third, or ten thousandth iteration of a universe that has died and been recreated by God. Like seriously, you can write a story about going out to buy milk, going to work, cleaning the house and / or whatever. That can be in person, whether it's cultivating a wide array of friendships or listening to strangers talk about their lives. I really struggled on the fiction short story assignments compared to the creative nonfiction assignments. More Topics Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Technology Travel I have a Google Doc of "Story Ideas". Todd’s Shortcut”—I think this is by far the best short story he’s ever written. But I don't want to have to write a whole bunch of short stories just for 1 or 2 hidden info books. If something catches your interest, brainstorm to see how you could make it into a story. if anyone has ideas of a story theme especially with a plot twist please let me know Hard sci-fi short story ideas? Intro For weeks now I have been contemplating writing a sci-fi short story set in 2068 (50 years from now) mainly for the purpose of exploring the potential advances in space transportation, infrastructure, and economics that could occur between now and then. Then try to figure out a story that could take place there. get reddit premium. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Girl calls in one day about feeling lonely, ignored, struggling to cope with a parent that is rarely around due to work and fearful of what the future holds. But I still write them, they're good fun and let you explore an idea. You might even say there are good story ideas, and bad story ideas, even if any story idea CAN technically make a good Posted by u/adulting4kids - 1 vote and no comments How To Write A Short Story With Time Travel. If you still want more, there's THIS. Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Isaac Asimov wrote Tales of the Black Widowers. It was born out of a pretty persistent fiction writers block, but without having any problems in in publishing 2 non-fiction books without a problem. Put your prompt in the title. Never decided if the killer would be a known shinobi in the series, like Kakuzu, or a complete OC one. What silly article was this? There’s no way they said that a short story can’t be “emotional”. Where to start with short story ideas Understanding short story themes How to use other fiction ethically And more! If all this interests you, feel free to read it here. e. (Vampires) - King/Queen of the Vampires after Vlad is dethroned. The one time I managed to make a story it was trash because I was 13 and it wasn't anywhere near long enough to be a book. Especially thinking about it through the literary writing lens. Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied So in a novel it could take 60-80,000 words to get to the mystery in a short story it takes 5-10,000. Not to that extreme, since the story still exists after the so-called "twist" where the Bad Guy kills himself while the story ITSELF ceases to exist after It Was All A Dream. It was part of a series Ive been I love writing so I also put my short stories in my journals! I’m really into horror so I will write short horror stories but I’ve also written some like funny stories and also one of my most popular supernatural fanfics that I wrote😅 If you need inspiration I would look up short story prompts because either you will find one you like or reading them can spark an idea of your own! But I can't actually come up with a story. Just make it your own and you’re good Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Have been enjoying reading many of the short-story collections that have been recommended here recently. i. Aickman's The Hospice, Ligotti's The Glamour, too many Ramsey then I really like The Caress, by Greg Egan, because it shows me an elaborate, very complicated plot, brimming with incredible ideas and farfetched concepts, all packed in a short story format. If you need the full length of a novel, then write a novel. Start from the basics. Octavia Butler. The best way to learn about writing short stories is to read as many as you can, of all styles. It is highly unusual for a short story to have a resolved ending and anyone n the habit of reading professional published short stories knows this, because they know the short story format is vastly different from the novel 60 votes, 243 comments. Write your short stories - flash fiction, microfiction, Twitterature, etc - and get user cheers and productive criticism. Rookie vampire, learning the ropes of becoming a vampire. We are a community dedicated to motivating writers to stay consistent and constantly grow their craft. Its more of a 'boo-fucking-hoo' kind of fear, but I think a good number of people have that kind of subconscious fear, and you can use it to better grip and relate too. Sadly though I don't have any ideas for the characters or the plot! The story is VERY anti Christian in its anti-confirmity message. Fuck, most teachers don't even point out that all the last names in the story have meaning. Recently i was thinking of an idea to creating an ai generated short stories so i was thinking if user can guide me on how to write prompts for creating a short story which i may use in chat-gpt3 and learn the overall prompt engineering the theme of the story could be as you feel is good but it should be a short story . so like, in short, if you can't figure out how to make an ending land, I think the trick is to look at the story leading up to it and craft that story so that it's pointing directly to the ending you've landed on. Whereas if you're applying for some place like Pixar where the story kind of evolves as the storyboarding takes place, they're going to see how well and efficiently you can tell a story, so telling a whole (short) story from beginning to end will serve you better. Any time you spend working on it as a short story will allow you to better write it as a novel if you choose to do so. We shared his advice for writing short fiction in detail ~over on the Reedsy blog~, but here’s a quick summary: . Secret Life, trying to hide your occult self from your family. Some other stories in this mold might include "Harrison Bergeron" by Vonnegut (or anything else by him, really), "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Bierce, or "The Veldt" by Bradbury (Bradbury has a ton of great short stories that are not hard to read - you could check his short story Short, simple ideas make the best short films. . Get comments from others, and leave commentary for other people's works. ). The only thing that matters is that the concepts could be reasonably found in a SF book, film or short story. I am developing a new application that builds book plots. Keep it short and sweet. I am fairly new to writing and I have a very limited knowledge on how to create a story and structure it well. They're about ideas, too, but those ideas must live through people. Please note that the idea behind these threads is to give other authors ideas - ideas that you post here should be free for I write short stories online and people enjoy them. You're a writer and Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I still suck at sticking to longform fiction ideas though. i can write quick, writers block isn’t the problem. Any advice on how to come up with ideas for short stories? Ones that can create an entire plot? I struggle to create ideas that feel "complete" and compelling. Don't tell the story of the world (like some JRPGs). all these, for me, have a wow factor. Reply here for other comments. A prompt or idea Posts are limited to providing prompts for other users to respond to with their story/interpretation. Prompts must be horror-based. I also can't get enough of people inheriting old houses and encountering weird things in them; the strange village where the inhabitants practice sinister rituals; stories where people get lost and stumble into some weird place where something is indefinably wrong (e. You can use them as a book idea, as writing prompts for writing contests, for stories to publish in literary magazines, or just for fun! Editor’s note: This is a recurring guide, regularly Looking for writing prompts? Look no further! These top 50 reddit prompts will help you get started on your next great piece. So maybe pick the most interesting throwaway/side character in one of your favorite movies and tell their story! There are no new plots, only new stories. Look up writing prompts and just complete them until your fingers are in pain. So you’re just squeezing the time, maybe less interviewing, maybe more summaries, maybe more of the emotional big moments and ignore the shoe leather. Fantasy Short Story Prompts: A character meets a dragon who is surprisingly fond of coffee What if there was a protagonist that went to a world where everyone was a magical girl, but because they weren’t born one they have to work harder than everyone else, but then throughout the course of the series she finds out the Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Your character is going to work and their car breaks down), or they're too specific (e. they mean well, trying for a sort of strong tribute, but end up dampering his mood and making him question his choice to share stuff online. There's a difference. Human instinct let's us know when something feels disingenuous. writing join leave 3,018,683 readers. I'm sorry to sound terse, but this "finding ideas for a story" is like, the easiest thing you're going to do, in terms of creating a story. But for those who just want the prompts and want something to get them inspired, here is the list of "5 quick short story prompts to try" featured in one of the article's sections. but yeah you should totally give this a shot anyway. Boys Love can be hard to write and stories have to have good plot development, character development, and backgrounds. Readers will always find Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Short Story Prompts Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Here are a few potential short story ideas for your post-apocalyptic universe: "The Infiltrator": A group of survivors stumble upon an alien machine that can transform humans into almost perfect copies of the aliens, but at an unknown cost. Just take the premise of an existing story and try to write it yourself: Bank robbers meet up after a heist gone wrong. 110 users here now. Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied I’m not a short story expert myself, but I did talk to one recently — short story writer and editor Robert Grossmith. , I have titles like “All That Matters” (last line of the story is “And that's all that matters”), “Remy” (MC’s name is Remy), “The Dragon’s Jaw” (character is part of an organization called The Dragon’s Jaw), “What’s There To Talk About The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; 90 Day Fiance; Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas A story can be about practically anything. The only reason the mother married again was because the man was rich. Not totally copying, being inspired. I've found a method that works well, for me, for short stories. In this collection he runs with a few ideas which, I tentatively assume, he thought were too good to only have a paragraph on. Please keep the prompts relative to inworld Wings of Fire and its potential! Try to keep the prompts small enough for a short story of about 3-10 pages, so nothing too long that would take too much time to resolve/find out. Read, watch TV, movies, play games. And yes, reading is exceedingly helpful in terms of internalising story I’m not asking for you all to write the story for me, but I am asking for some tips and pointers when it comes to writing it such as keeping it Gothic, how long I should try and keep it under and things I should look out for. I'm supposed to write a short story about something slowly driving the main character insane. And I'll keep this place in mind and do my best to come up with some ideas to grow the community into something that we can be proud of! Thanks to those that come here and post every now and then. If you have too many ideas to write about or are just looking for discussion then this is the right sub for you. I'd like to get back into filmmaking soon and over the last few years I've come up with maybe five short film ideas that felt genuinely interesting. As someone under 5'0" and who has limited time and patience to wander around in stores, Short Story has saved me valuable time. Quite often when reading Mieville you get the sense that he has so many ideas that he doesn't have time to explore them all. That the story of divine creation we are familiar with Writing Prompts. I will not use canon characters or OC's. Here's the common thread of all of these, and the TL;DR: tell the story of a place. His release Labyrinths is a must-read for any short story lovers, especially if you like stories that encapsulate mind-bending ideas. this is It’s a 3-page story, not a 284-page novel. It can’t hurt right down the idea anyways as a short story or a prompt on its own write the idea anyways and then in the next draft, cut it all out and put it into the scrap pages at the very end so that it exists inside of the file, but it's not an actual part of the story. Nor is Hutchinson. The fact that in “HB” they amend the constitution over 200 times, for example. What's something that could slowly drive you insane, and would make a good short story? I'll post it when it's finished in a couple days! Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied I have a short story called Blood Red Scare (potentially a full length story) about 007-style super spy being sent into Romania to start a coup, but discovers their planned puppet dictator is an ancient vampire overlord. A character finds a deceased uncle's letter revealing family secrets. Before PodCastle split off, Escape Pod would regularly have fantasy short Below are 150 short story ideas for all your favorite genres. Ideas can come from anywhere. Just the initial ideas are such a small part of a finished work. ** This idea had been in my head for a while, what if an apocalypse happened and everyone on earth is isekaid? And after thinking about it i concluded that most of us would go mad with power thanks to magic and would wreck havoc with disastrous inventions and our knowledge of science, and honestly I think that would make for a fun story, just seeing the shenanigans of 7 billion be careful with compliments. Every once in awhile I'll get it in my head to take on a crazy ambitious project and in 2016 I took on one of my craziest. Know what a short story is versus a novel — effectively, read lots of short stories to develop a confident sense of how the form works. That being said, coming up with a short film idea that feels genuinely unique and clever is remarkably difficult. If you attract more readers, you'll succeed. Focus on an idea that you find interesting (or even just fun) and have a character experience that idea. The hero's journey is a longer story. Buy collections of short stories. But the problem, the OVERWHELMING problem, with the Indiana Jonesian theory of storytelling is that it renders the Good Guy and his entire adventure, story arc, character development, etc irrelevant. hello, I love writing stories and am looking for some crazy ideas to write into the warrior cat world. These are short story mysteries solve by a group of widowers who formed a club of arm chair detectives who solve mysteries brought to them by an invited guest. Something that they can overcome in a chapter or 3. No adult-themed material, this isn't the subreddit for that. A The challenger bet that Butcher could not write a good story based on a lame idea, and he countered that he could do it using two lame ideas of the challenger's choosing. Here's a reply I sent out Does anybody know a good resource for fantasy short story prompts? I can find lots of prompts, but most of them either tend to be for more realistic stories (e. THE SHORT STORY) If you’ve ever seen the movie The Apartment, I believe the idea for it came from the director wanting to know more about a throwaway side character in another film. An online writer's group dedicated to the sharing and constructive peer-review of each other's written work. The project is in response to having read "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Emily Short, a professional narrative designer who has shaped the world of interactive fiction in the past decade has tried several methods of developing interactive EDIT: Some people have asked for permission to write a story or use this in some way. It's also a plus if it was written in the recent few years, as the person who's going to read it is not a native speaker of English and struggles with older texts. I need ideas for a short story. short story with plot twist ideas Advice i have to write a short story to go on my folio for my final exam, but creative writing has never been my strong point and i’m completely out of ideas. My goal this year is to read one short story every day -- by major and newer authors (published in legit journals such as Granta, Ploughshares, etc). No teacher in thier right mind would explain all of references. There's an argument that Borges is one of the best short story authors ever, in any genre. So far I've tinkered with a few, including mixing and matching certain elements. g. Immerse yourself in story ideas. Those teenagers will face all types of new experiences as they discover themselves. Prompts that are open-ended and can Short stories can be difficult because of the constraints, but that can also be their advantage: if you hit a home run, it's not going to take long to get through and it'll stick in people's heads. Terms & Policies [WP] write a short horror story that seems completely normal and non scary until the very last sentence at which point it I use the last line, the MC’s name/nickname, an important object to the story, or a reoccurring dialogue line someone says. Reminders: Stories at least 100 words. My friend and I came up with a list of prompts for short stories. Historically, many short stories were later used as inspiration for full-length novels (my first novel started as Title, genre, short description and few details/topics of the story will be shown below. Fun who dunnits. “Mrs. (The crime is not always a murder, but that's the most common. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" Responses don't have to fulfill every detail See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules. It just falls flat. The story is of the hapless surfer dude type that's tasked with delivering this bird to the guy in Ukraine, arriving RIGHT before the invasion and now has to find his way across the country, with a $5k bird, to make the delivery. The "lame" ideas given were "Lost Roman Legion", and "Pokémon". And don't get side tracked and more than 2-3 other characters back story's/ side story's to the mains. A story is really just a series of events, and since this is for animation rather than a writing class, you probably don't need a complex narrative or deep theme. Let's help each other. The mother and the stepfather had a deal where she pays him every month for being able to live with him(or something like that) Then the mother fails to pay one month so she gets beaten. Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Second: find writing prompts somewhere-from a writing group in Facebook or Pinterest or Instagram, or here in Reddit land, from Tumblr, from YouTube, from anywhere, and use those to practice your 1000 words a day habit. You're a writer and you just want to flex those muscles? You've come to the right place! If you see a prompt you like, simply write a short story based on it. Check out PodCastle, a fantasy short story podcast. These science fiction concepts can be based in hard sci-fi or can come from science fantasy. Also there's a Jack Half-a In a short story, the character and story energy/drive is often highlighted right off the bat. And the harder lesson to learn is, don't start with the story of your hero. Ambivalence and open endings are much more tolerable in a short story. This is a great idea for a unit. If the story is relatable, you'll attract more readers. Story #2: The story of the sleuth solving the mystery of the murder or other crime. Whether you're looking to get feedback on an idea, hear a critique, or get unstuck in a story, this is the right place. Part 1 Alura had seen the trial transform into a lush forest. once I have read the idea I will write the story in the comments for you to read (replays may take a while) and all feedback is welcome. I became really stumped and ran out of ideas someone please help i need like 6 more ideas 🙏🙏🙏 I read a short story years ago about soldiers on patrol in Vietnam, and they were playing a game with a grenade and the pin slips out. A good story doesn’t necessarily depend on being a great idea or anything. my brother's a sort of successful artist and he always gets a little demotivated when people leave messages saying they were discouraged by his talent. How do you go about coming up with ideas for short stories? Thanks. A story is characters with goals facing obstacles. Girl signs up to local football team. Part influenced by the short story {All I Want by Mara White} as found in {Mixtape: A Love Song Anthology} where the MCs have 9 years between meetings, and part based on a comment by Michael Scott in the US version of the Office RE Short Story Prompts Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! The idea that just works is preferable, thus "better. The most important thing is having something to say in a creative and interesting way. Can You Share Some Short Story Ideas? Short Story Ideas: An old friend from a century ago appears at your front door. ) and realism. Hello, I need your help for an idea of dystopian society but with fantasy, high fantasy (for example within a round wall and birth control) but a world where all humans are connected to animals that represent their emotions and that when they reach a certain age they gain powers related to the animal in question (for example an owl, some power with vision). My question is what are the best science fiction concepts that you have come across. ” It is a single paragraph containing seven nested narrative layers which separate the answerer of the question “what is a favorite story she Welcome to KeepWriting. Venturing inside, peeking from behind a large tree, she had seen cryptids. Pick stuff that's in your areas of interest: fiction, right? What types of fiction? Also check out Ninja Writers. I try to adopt films that I like into a different genre, it was actually a Sanderson recommendation called borrowing. You may need to make trade offs. When a story feels grounded in reality, it'll feel more relatable. I then want to have some books mixed in that have story plot hints or other useful information hidden in them. So short scenes and sequences that demonstrate those well would do. These may not exactly have been 'done to death' but after reading what feels like hundreds up hundreds of horror short stories, this is my personal list of things I could happily never see another of: Hey can anyone suggest a short story on the topic ‘wishes of a girl child’ OR ‘we respect men who respect women’ I urgently need it for my comic More Topics. You want to thrill people in a horror setting, with r/writingprompts but you'll need to sift through the "super hero time traveling zombie who fights an alien invasion" prompts. What are some of the best classic short stories you were assigned in high school English that were not a chore and that truly stuck with you? I personally still love Harrison Bergeron (Vonnegut), The Veldt (Bradbury), The Lottery (Jackson), and An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge (Bierce), all of which I read in grades 11/12 Short Story Prompts Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied A community for the *quality discussion* of The Wheel of Time series of novels by Robert Jordan (& completed by Brandon Sanderson) as well as Amazon's streaming adaptation, the first audiobook recordings by Michael Kramer & Kate Reading, the second audiobook recordings by Rosamund Pike, the graphic novels adaptation by Chuck Dixon & Chase Conley (and Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Short Story Prompts Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Reddit Writing Prompts for Short Stories These are some prompts that will make for a great short story. Alternatively, take an existing character and put them into an entirely alien scenario and see what happens. The real story is supposed to happen in the readers mind after the story is finished. The time investment for writing a short story is minimal. Me, I can't get the ideas to stop. Story #1: The story of the victim and/or the criminal. Each film should have no more than three characters, including the antagonist, and require only the interior of an apartment for a set. When budgeting pages of a short story, they are a couple of things you may cut back on - milieu, idea, character, event. The framing of the story within a story—the just-defined-enough creepiness, the romance, the pacing, the otherworldliness, the unforgettable characters! It’s so vivid. Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied The greatest short story I have ever encountered that was objectively a great short story is Lydia Davis’ “Happiest Moment. Doesn’t even have to be original. I'll do right by us :) Cheers leonprimrose scifi ideas and concepts. "Twisted" stories like The Lottery are always popular. The more you read, the more you will come up with. Your character is a vampire in the 1920s). I also don't purchase more than I need to - If I don't need a piece or don't see myself wearing it more than 5x, I send it back and provide feedback to explain that. I've heard of starting from the end, but that just seems more confusing. and you'll probably want all of this to come from all that writing characters 101 stuff - motivation, what they love, what they hate, how they've been hurt, what they did with that My favorite story ideas are as follows. i need to write a short story but every idea/prompt im seeing isn’t what i want. Any ideas are appreciated. Stories are about people. They were pixie-like creatures, flying around before settling in a circle for a picnic. Welcome to the Reddit short story hub. Short stories lends themselves well to exploring themes, you don't have to work in a major change in outlook, just establish a theme and use the situation to explore it. Remember that in that 5-7 minute time you have to: Set the scene(s) Setup the characters convincingly with maybe some backstory if required Tell their story Have a worthwhile payoff at the end Writing Prompts. " For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. Post your scifi concepts, ideas, plots and If you have to make an original story, I'd say think of something simple. Dying alone, or just being alone for prolonged periods of time is a good plot base. Short Story Prompts Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Short story collections are difficult to sell in fantasy as a debut novelist, and so most stories you see in anthologies or magazines are either magic realism -- a self-contained, high concept story that can be set up and resolved in one story rather than across a whole series -- or stories from established writers that mean the world needs no introduction. No external links allowed, this is for Redditors by Redditors on Reddit. She only wrote a handful of short stories in her career, but they number amongst the best SF shorts ever If you can convey what you want to say in a short story, then write a short story. Yes, that’s hyperbole, but to say Vonnegut wanted us to take it a step further and decide the whole thing was a satire mocking the idea that this could be true, and that conservatives are just trying to scare The prose flows naturally, I get inspired super quick, I get passionate about my work, etc. Sort by rising to make it a little easier, or take a look at the top responses over the last month. there are some that have lingered with me due to them having literary value, but these are the ones that immediately come to mind when I think of short stories. But how to write a short story using time travel as a key component can be a challenge - even for veteran writers in the Sci-Fi fiction sphere. Cure, working hard to find a Tropes us Genres = Awesome new ideas for short stories you can post! Refer to the Tropes A , Tropes B, and Genre posts from earlier and these are prompts that guide your free writing exercises today! Genre: High Fantasy | Trope: Chosen One Prompt: In a world of magic, a seemingly ordinary teenager discovers a long-lost artifact that marks them as the prophesied Hey! This is my first time posting on a subreddit, I'm so excited! I've been writing a BL story but I thought I should start a new one, but I have no ideas. Short stries are usually under 10,000 words, with 1-3000 being the average length. As a side thing, I had toyed with the idea of the story happening in parallel to the canon story and have the protag meet Naruto and other prominent figures. In terms of the story, try to think what you want to say about the world, a specific issue, ect, and try to do it simply. You must experience or consume content in order to get the cranial juices flowing. Suggest me a short (the shorter, the better) story that was written after the 1980s and that has some kind of a fun plot twist. Does anybody have any simple short stories for use in tomorrows exam? I always come up with the most convoluted and strange stories which sometimes To add to that, here is a resource that I find helpful on the topic of writing a mystery/thriller to help you get the ball rolling, but you need to come up with the idea yourself. Get ahold of drafts, shooting scripts, and first drafts if you can. I have done this before 5 days ago and I will be doing the same kind of rules no names (cat or clan) and keep the idea as vague as possible. Every setting takes pages, as does each theme, each character, and each event. Reddit, I need ideas for a short story about one of the seven deadly sins . hdpot vzak xolmym icfuyway thjqufsr fyjbo htas cfuuwp jxwbwa hwwys seklb dmsq blqc mcap snony